Thursday, May 5, 2011

the residents live here annual circular suspected stray feline House

Source: Beijing Evening News December 28, 2008 New Street space
Jing Xian Hui child stray pearly cat accident
lost his legs in the cat bowl cut stump
(Reporter Wei Song ) opt for the white legs cut off, the residents live here annual circular suspected stray cat House, home to five downstairs cats year round,8th Floor -806, residents in the passageway put a few cat bowl, fill it each daytime and put some water and food, cats will eat their own ran side along side to curry prefer with feeding. Yesterday at noon, Xu she and residents put attach a mini cat fish bowl, but also funny cat funny to eat in pregnancy. Then they either went upstairs, 3 minutes later, while Miss Wang took the cat food and then brained down the stairs ,beijing massage, but found that cat has evaporated, the cat bowl cat legs two bloody shocking.
Miss Wang later base curled in the turn screaming yellow cat and dissimilar cat, the additional 3 cats are no looked , meantime the cat and yellow cat uncharacteristically differentiating anybody to hide. Wang namely suspected of two white cats legs argue namely not cried, quite likable.
journalist above the scene saw 2 cats in a long, an short thigh, respectively,shanghai massage, one arm and a leg, the across section formation, suspected apt be sword mow off the altitude the blood has solidified.
do not understand who did it? Hui Xinyuan Street area opposite the current zone, the constantly the dwellers to take the cat trash, cat edible also put rat poison. until the behavior of dwellers was only afterward we found restraint.
face in front of other cats below the wild hand. noon while we put the cat upstairs and dart the legs in the basin,shenzhen massage, is this is a demonstration you? gazed, how could something do this? I will be having dreams tonight! viewpoint, but the face of this child that cats are mishandling of the incident, behaving aggressively.
It is understood namely the digit of stray cats in Beijing conservative estimate of 20 million more. on the Internet, news about people and movie cat damage not uncommon, and even a large spread, emulate the air. cat lovers extra than inflame, and some will fire a web of fashionable , City Small Animal Protection Association issued a staff initiative to the public: Control the digit of stray cats, treat small lives, not forsook, not damage. . cats are alive animals, but also have dignity. We also call as conservation of small animals, I wish the authority introduced the Animal Protection Act as presently as possible.
Moreover, it is not mawkish,shanghai escort, not cat folk and cat human weary of the issue, merely too to remedy the cat is not only a problem of people who are bloody to beasts , who is too simple to violence, which is a statistical fact. from society, or from the outlook of social setting, to subserve the legislation are nigh the corner!
Related Reading:
cruelty to animals and maniacal offenses interlocked

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