Thursday, May 5, 2011

livestock coerce extra than 2 thirds of rustic power

Friends first came to India, will watch a strange amusing phenomenon: cars come to the metropolis streets, small groups blatantly swimming cow promenaded, India Tourism medium of the street lying some simply, the things around back from the dead, a truce of idea like overweening, and among the various types of conveyances, pedestrians dodging, around them. cattle, seems to become the masters of the metropolis, and who has become a visitor of the.
This is unique in India worship the God of cattle the most common and extensive phenomena. One time, in the frequented marts, saw a massive bull broke into a fruit stand, left right move a flash, a few on either sides of Tanchuang only on the import of mangoes. stall holders do not fret, just slow it Hongzou. there one a.m. and saw an Indian middle-aged male bought a few stalls in the snack cake, to fared a few approximate the old head cattle. cow and a jaws to swallow a leisurely shaking his tail, it seems that this early taste beautiful good.
in Bangalore, I visited a noted temple of cattle. inside a monster honors Bronze Bull, Banwo the head there about three meters high. According to legend, locally grown peanuts, which aggregate to steal cattle. One daytime, I do not understand what people were killed in the floor peanuts. The next day, it was discovered that a number of sub-long cow, the third day, and long high a lot. cattle kept longer, causing people to dread mm oxen down disaster. So people built a temple in place, it enshrines in the temple. In this way, the bull stopped growing taller. So, peanuts have become indispensable offerings. every year on the square in front of the temple to clutch a grand festival of the peanut festival, sacrificial oxen. This thing is true, obviously can not test, but people adored cattle is real. tour guide told us that in India, higher than this temple there is a lot more cattle. Of course, those who do not eat beef peanuts, too.
In India, the cow, yet subject to special conservation. In India, in addition to two states (Ximeng Bang and Kerala), the other portions of the massacre of cattle in the law is disallowed. prohibiting the slaughter Cows, the Constitution of India plainly provides.
cow worship God in India can be narrated as lingering a long history. myths and legends of the destruction of one of the three important gods Shiva, the mount is a bull. for a long time accompanied with the Lord God, cattle it too has spiritual, or Aiwujiwu, in short, people likewise pay homage to cattle. all overthe front of the temple of Shiva throughout India, there have to be a bull statue. mostly lying in the stone upon, some built on a small Pavilion, a divide temple. sculpture of a stone, bronze, and has a general symbol, there are contrived in color, entire is lusty morale alive. cow statue covered with garlands, to share the honor of the Lord God-like .
Once, during a visit to a temple, they found debate navigate from the temple to a pearly powder, coated the plenary forehead was luminous white. I am quaint to ask what it is, what efficacy. He told me It is devoutly appealed to God bless, cured calamity evil spirits. To my magnificent startle, that the white powder turned out to be cow dung flaming in the ash. He annotated that this train is in order to caution myself not to forget the individual is ignoble, ordinary mutual, is Nothing, favor cow dung everywhere to show their devotion and honor the gods. guide me a mini good ambition to be divided at, and I know that, but still harbor respectfully firmly rejected. I calculate a lot of bad things malign in the world, such as war, environmental erasure, etc., traced from an individual or people creatures are increasingly distending longings of it. For those plucky, arrogant, who, The forehead is fiercely hurl their muck ash, wake-up phone about.
way, some practices are not flattering. For instance, some places in cattle urine as medicine, some people drink fresh cow urine management . peruse about reports of a location to drink cow urine muscular wind, cow urine became a best-selling productions, that are sometimes in the absnece of. However, the cow urine treatment also has its scientific basis, according to a report in cattle urine as the main raw matter The drug has received U.S. patent it.
in India, the oldest religious texts Mother of the past and future, is the mommy of the gods, is the most important thing.
classical epic , which is Omnipotent, the King ambitions someone, it will be sent. which occasioned the king's spite of another, robbing the brain of God and cattle, and triggered a tragic war. epics and some aboard the cow rhyme, to slay the cow and slay his father, treason and other serious offenses the same, should be a chief misdemeanour.
history of bull and cow protection cow m, has a profound basis in reality. India is a traditional agricultural country, self-sufficient small-scale agriculture is the maximum basic way of life of hundreds of millions of farmers. In rural areas, farmers with basic production and living tool gopher is the cow, and it is the maximum important family attribute. agriculture, transmission, planting, farming, sugar, oil extraction, etc., powered mainly by water buffaloes, and milk is even more instantly from the cows. vegetarian Indian farmers m the main prescriptions pasta, beans, rice, milk, anything can not do without water buffaloes for their hard work.
cow dung is an important fuel and fertilizer. cow dung dried and not smell, and flies do not move, it also can be hateful burning baby. disinfection preservative effect of cow dung as well, and its efficacy compared with the water to the Soviet Union. Indian farmers like to take advantage of fresh cow dung spliced to the walls surrounded by watery, dry, afterward more firmly mallet to the wall, and this will activity a warm summer and chilly winter magical effects. excess dung cakes are made of dung, dried dung stack piled round, which is unique in rural areas too winter firewood. drive passing countryside, all see the farm yard fertilizer in a clean pile of blocks. listen people mention how much the size of the pile of cow dung, characterizing the digit of buffaloes,windows 95 fair came out, but also a considerable degree that the owner's wealth. If you do to a dozen or more of the dung pile, most of a large family out.
role of the family cow farmers is decisive, is the core of rural life, is the most important normal resources. ancient India,shanghai massage, wrote the poem, something did not milk the cow, Whose life lost hope. So, in the village, cow is considered a member of the family, by the cautious attention, constantly to water buffaloes bathing , pruning. Hindu festival each year, cows, people thank the cow a year of hard work, content, and alike to the U.S. Thanksgiving.
cow itself, has many virtues: sedulous, hard, obscure, and selfless devotion, eat grass, squeezed out the milk hh visa
fables and romances of India, religious faiths and the reality of joint influence and integration of traditional, Indian cow protection and evolution to the utmost to convert the divine cow worship. Today, keep up with the times with the antique customs still. This is still with the cow in modern India, the essential role of the rural economic in the bar.
the twenty-first centenary, the real rural life in India is still living. for there are still over 700 million planters living in rural areas. Farming is still the vegetarian path of life for thousands of years Indian farmers, many old customs are still here invariably inherited. cow, and living in rural areas are still playing an indispensable role in the kernel. get rid of cattle, is still the biggest inhibit in rural India.
According apt statistics, 200 million Indian bull cow across the nation, accounting because almost a 15 min of world's livestock population. Farmers generally fewer than 1 acre of land, harvest land lonely namely complicated supply to buy harvest machinery, and reserving water buffaloes can still be maintained. is still animal-based farming, cattle compel more than 2 thirds of rural power, and power (approximately half the electricity in rustic zones do not) and oil power merely accounted for about one-tenth. bull India to invest 800 million tons a annual of organic fertilizer and fuel. India has 15 million carts, the cardinal manner of transport in rural areas. Indians are still the main milk beverages in India still is the world's largest milk maker and client. cow, still with the product of modern Indian lives. Thus,shanghai massage, to nourish the customs of one old ox with the adore of cow is still circulating. Hindus deem in reincarnation, and many Indians hope namely their afterward life reincarnation for a cow.
Mahatma Gandhi had urged protection of water buffaloes, primarily cows. He said, from the cow. never passed down. brittle lives. . India, inbound tour addition, there are about 12% of Muslims, nearly 3% of the Christians, about 1.3% of the Sikhs and so on. These people do not eat beef slaughter of cattle in the taboo, especially Muslims, in some grand festival to the cow as a martyrdom. in the last century, between Hindus and Muslims to kill cow Zengyin produced a large-scale bloodshed. In truth, many Hindu festivals, is also killing cattle worship the gods, but not to martyrdom cattle products only.
cow worship of God brings a sequence of social problems. most of the country where cow slaughter is not allowed, and trafficking is unlawful cow, which caused the cattle population only to rise . At present, India has a large livestock 500 million, about half of an old ox. Some people say, blast. those who are sick, elderly and infirm abandoned by the owner of cattle are often unlocked and let it get lost. Thus, there have been a lot of the poor stray cattle wandering around in the cities and villages, peremptory wandering on their own. they hinder vehicle transmitted diseases, manufacturing garbage, environmental pollution, destruction of city.
reality, smuggling, trafficking, embezzling the position is very serious to kill buffaloes. In recent years, the world's major beef producing countries angry crazy cow ailment, it is about the discoloration. India cow fodder for its vegetarian has nought to with the ailment, which was welcomed by the multinational beef consumer. the past 5 years, beef exports to India have doubled In 2003, 14.5 million cow slaughter in India,beijing massage, accounting for the world Four (China 45,000,000 ranks first). In addition, the Indian leather industry is very amplified, there are thousands of tanneries bring an end to ...the country, hiring millions, of leather exports nearly 20 billion greenbacks. driven by lofty profits, Natural lack culprits, many relinquished cattle vanished forever. smuggled his way in, water buffaloes are generally subject to bloody abuse, such as being clouded blind eyes, lust, and other such physical damaged.
outlook of this, liability to maintain the cow in many civilian society unions have been built. They actively enhance the care of water buffaloes, and personally donated or duty to care for neglected cattle. The Government also funded the establishment of neglected cattle, This country has more than 3,000 places. institutionalization of cow capital of New Delhi's largest and can adjust the entire premises million head of cattle outcast. However, the capital of stray cattle in the nearly forty thousand of the more. Delhi High Court has published a tribunal order,toronto escorts, that these capital of stray cattle on the danger should move to other places. or local auction, or sent to other asylums. that work said than done easier said than done it. the streets of Indian capital lane, the penniless old cow who wandered silently still as always.
from the perspective of economic development, defend the cow, that is, the cheap efficiency in the protection of the family as the unit's small-scale farming production and hinder agricultural the popularization of mechanization, thus affecting the liberation and development of rural productivity. God worship cattle into the agricultural bondage and fetters of economy progress.
the general laws of human social development, industrial culture will must replace the agricultural civilization, agriculture seems predestined To become a secondary part of the social and economic development. Even the agricultural country, but also the mechanization of agriculture and industrialization. India's industrialization and urbanization of society, notwithstanding the development is irregular, slow progress in the extensive rural areas, but the trend is still irresistible progress is not reversal of the proportion of agriculture in the national economy declining. as farmer economy plays a central role in the cow, and its gradual replacement by machinery, from the historical stage, it will be the undisputed fact that the near future. then India this a long history of cattle worship of God, the God of cattle resulting mores, its destiny with the outcome, the natural can dream.
think of this, feel some woe for those silent friends. remember Li Bai verse: it. have been gifted glory, nothing more.

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