Thursday, May 5, 2011

liquid stream namely forever in state of turbulence alternatively eddy

Eh amounts ​​of water that an transmit, the latent inconsistency is called oxidation-reduction latent (or Eh values), referred to as . It seawater pH, dissolved oxygen partly pressure on, and in certain sea areas is effectively affected by hypoxia organic matter. normally pH measure and the platinum electrode to measure.
water boiling water boiling point refers to the critical temperature. seawater boiling point increases with the increase of salinity, as salinity is increased by 10p, then the water boiling temperature 0.16 ℃.
molecular thermal conductivity of sea water refers to the ability of water conduction heat. in the sea or repose in a laminar flow, the water molecules and dissolved substances in water movement is irregular, because of this irregular movement, so that adjacent molecules within the layer of water exchange, if the temperature of the adjacent water layer is different from the exchange effect will result in heat transfer, heat from high temperature to low temperature conductivity. in a matter of seconds, heat conduction per unit area on the card number and the temperature in the vertical direction in this area, changes in the value of 1 cm into the ratio, that is Q =- rT / n, ratio of thermal conductivity coefficient of r is called. For pure water, the temperature is 15 ℃, the thermal conductivity is 1.39t10-3 card s -1 ° -1 cm -1, the ocean smaller thermal conductivity than pure water, and increases with temperature, with salinity increasing. This irregular motion caused due to molecular heat conduction, known as molecular heat conduction. the effect of molecular heat conduction is very small, it has been calculated In the case of molecular heat conduction, if the surface water temperature is 30 ℃, 100 meters from the sea water temperature is 0 ℃, 100 years after the 100 meters at the water temperature to increase 7.3 ℃. In nature, water can not be at rest or laminar flow, but often in a whirling state, in this case, the water layer adjacent to the molecular exchange of heat exchange is not limited, but by the size of the water exchange between the main block. At this point, molecular r thermal conductivity to eddy thermal conductivity A place, which the molecular heat conduction coefficient than a few hundred times.
sea water into the sea of ​​light scattering of light, some is absorbed, another part of the scattering of light occurs and changes the original direction of propagation due to reduced light scattering leaving the magnitude of dI can be written as dI =- SIdz, where said scattering coefficient S (dz is the thickness of the beam through the water), water molecules scatter light Rayleigh scattering is, according to Swiss Lee's law,shenzhen escort, the scattering coefficient and the wavelength is inversely proportional to the fourth power, that the shorter the wavelength, the stronger the scattering ability of this molecule scattering scattering said. If the radius of scattering particles large than the wavelength of light, not according to Rayleigh's statute of such particles, the scattering coefficient is inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength.
sea water light diminution coefficient of light digestion coefficient and dispersing coefficient and. generally light diminution coefficient of ocean water is about 0.1 (m) -1. temperature and salinity has mini effect on the attenuation coefficient, attenuation coefficient of sea water and sea water mainly from the difference between suspended molecules and dissolved in other materials. particulates and dissolved substances in the attenuation of light decreases with wavelength increase. by the substantial knowledge; water containing plankton,fewer use of cars a daytime, attenuation coefficient large than that of pure water; when the pure water 0.4mm0.58m the light wavelength, the attenuation coefficient of less than 0.58m when the wavelength of light waves, the attenuation coefficient was significantly increased ; water containing plankton, green portion of the minimum attenuation, while the ruddy, violet attenuation maximum. Generally speaking, the attenuation coefficient of ocean water, the smallest orchestra is 480m500 nanometers, near-shore water, the smallest band attenuation coefficient is 530m580 mm microns.
seawater concentrations of trace elements in seawater is lower than 0.001 mg / L of elements.
ocean water mixing is a general form of movement, participation in the sport of water with their incipient traits from a space to variant space film, so that the nature of the contiguous sea water gradually tends to uniformity, and the formation of a new water hunk, the total outcome of this movement known as the water miscellaneous. a mix of 3 forms: molecular mixing, gurge mixing and convective mixing. Molecular composition of the liquid medley is due to the dissolved molecules and the fluid caused by the random movement; eddy mixing a variety of different scales of mixing between the water stop; convective mixing refers to the vertical intention of the seawater caused by convection water blend, and its movement depends on the vertical distribution of water density, and whether the movement has nothing to do with water. In the three mixed in the role of molecular mixing is extremely feeble, so the efficacy of molecular mixing is insignificant. mixing is by diffusion convective fdefect in ... 3 ways to achieve peace. mixed achieve due to the different seasons and different latitudes: a high latitude sea area,shanghai massage, the extra significant role in increasing the frequency, combined with stability of small, consequent convective mixing muscular,beijing escort, and eddy mixing merely show in the summer when its role, it does not average the summer than in winter mighty eddy mixing, due to the lusty winter winds, stability and small, over the summer mixed reverse spin strong only because of strong convection at this time, the vortex Activity was more developed mixed convective mixing by masking a; in the low-latitude, mixed convection is laborious to happen, it is prevailed by eddy mixing; in shallow water, as constantly by the coast, sea, shoals, islands, the friction efficacy, it eddy mixing well developed, while mixed convection is also cozy to amplify. eddy mixing strength, and stability of the sea, air and tidal phenomena, when the stability increases, the water blocks the competence to retain the original state of promoted eddy mixed put the ebb; summer, due to surface water warming, additional stability, not very strong eddy mixing. wind effects on the eddy mixing is that it enhances the surface commotion and increase the velocity gradient, so when the wind speed increases, the eddy mixing will be enhanced, of special note, due to superficial water eddy of wind mixing can reach the sea. caused by the eddy of the tide and wind evoked mixing eddy mixing on the inverse, scale-up from the seabed in shallow water district, due to friction with the sea, the resulting velocity gradient is very large, so will cause a strong eddy mixing. convective mixing strength, stability is also related with the sea: when the stability of the water floor itself is large, convective mixing complicated to form in summer when convective mixing in the ocean is difficult to occur, often appear in the winter, the strong convective mixing; in the equatorial and subtropical waters, surface waters in summer due to its lower density is still lower than that, it does not produce convection, in Winter temperatures are low, convection will be very strong. In the mid-latitude waters, summer and winter temperatures vary greatly due to the surface, so convection, convection depth of up to 200 meters; sea at high latitudes, due to increased salt and freezing phenomena and the results Therefore, up to several kilometers in the winter when the depth of convection. mixed results, was formed in the ocean layer and the thermocline Yunhe, in some sea areas also form an intermediate chilly water layer.
adiabatic changes of sea known as the adiabatic temperature change of water. also heat exchange with the outdoor world does not occur, then the liquid itself need to expend calories, so that the temperature decreases. This change, called adiabatic temperature change. in the ocean, with compression of the water, so the adiabatic temperature change will make marine increase the temperature of the sea. as an instance the Philippines Trench: Philippine ditch depth of more than 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters temperature of 1.50 ℃, the temperature at 7,000 meters at 1.80 ℃, the temperature was in the 9000 meters at 2.32 ℃ . This is the effect of adiabatic change. It is of deep ocean vertical temperature changes, has very important significance.
sea water mixed proliferation of one of the main causes. diffusion has two forms: molecular diffusion and eddy diffusion. Molecular diffusion is caused by water molecules in random motion. eddy diffusion of water from blocks of different scales produced by random motion. As sea water temperature, salinity, density changes between the current, so there density gradient and temperature gradient, the amount of diffusion and substance in proportion to the gradient. eddy diffusion stronger than the molecular diffusion; in the eddy diffusion, the lateral eddy diffusion than the vertical eddy diffusion intensity.
water chlorinity referred to as . from the definition itself, it is clear that the concept of equivalent chlorine, it will as the atomic heaviness of elements involved in the titration repercussion to changes with corresponding changes in the value, so the same degree of determination of chlorine in water will lose everlasting value. In order to chlorinity values ​​remain the eternal, ease of comparisons, Knudsen and Jaco Gibson made in 1940, a new definition: precipitation 0.3285233 kilograms of silver in sea water all the halogen atoms grams required, is the chlorinity. Thus, the value of chlorinity will not change because of changes in atomic weight. chlorinity and salinity of the relation is: Sp = 1.80655Clp.
water chlorine content that is at 20 ℃ in the 1 liter of seawater contains bromine and iodine replaced by the equivalent of chlorine after the total grams of chlorine. units of grams / liter. Symbol: Cl / L. If the density of sea water at 20 ℃ for the particular P20, the chlorinity and chlorinity is given by the volume of mutual translation:
Cl / L = ClptP20
density per unit volume of water contained in water quality. in centimeters. grams. second system, the quality of the middle finger 1 cubic centimeter of seawater , with g / cm 3, said. seawater density is temperature (t), salinity (s) and pressure (p) function. generally ss, t, p represents salinity s, temperature t and pressure p, density. seawater density is generally greater than 1, for instance, 1.02415,1.01296, etc., because the first two digits are the same on the marine water everywhere, so often the density of minus 1, will move behind three decimal places to seek density. This density with ss, t, p, ie ss, t, p = (rs, t, p-1) t103. in oceanography that is often the atmospheric pressure as zero at this time the water r = 0 density Zeyi s0 = ss, t, 0 = (rs, t ,0-1) t103 said, it is only a function of temperature and salinity. seawater density and temperature, salinity and pressure relationship is more complex. Generally speaking , water volume expansion due to temperature and density decreases with increasing temperature, below customary circumstances, thermal expansion coefficient is positive, so the density of sea water decreases with increasing temperature; but when the temperature is below a certain value, thermal expansion coefficient is negative, then, water density increases with increasing temperature. This is the water temperature when the temperature of maximum density, then the density, called the conditional density, it is not constant but a function of salinity . seawater density and salinity relationship is approximately straightforward relation, when the salinity increases, the water density. seawater density increases with pressure. For the surface density of sea water can generally be measured directly and accurately, but subsurface water due to the changing conditions also change the density, it can not be measured directly and accurately, otherwise, it will have a great mistake. Therefore, by calculating the blot density. the blot density is the site of temperature, salinity and pressure water density. seawater density distribution in the ocean: in the equatorial regions, due to high water temperature, salinity is very low, and thus the density of the surface water is small; from the equator to the poles, the density increases. seawater density distribution is also a large influence by the currents. seawater density generally 1.02m1.03 grams. cm -3 between.
water pH value is a sign of sea water pH. seawater pH> 7 Therefore, pH value of sea water
region due to the different seasons and different: in summer, due to the strong warming and photosynthesis, so that the upper levels of carbon dioxide in seawater and hydrogen ion concentration, pH values ​​have increased so that the elementary increase the winter on the contrary, pH value decreased. in the sea area with high dissolved oxygen, pH value is also high; the contrary, pH value is low.
marine origin of the water wheel on Earth, formed mainly by the sea. the total amount of water on Earth in 97% sea water, accounting for 2.25% glaciers, rivers, lakes and groundwater accounts for 1% of water vapor in the atmosphere in the number of more inferior. Earth's water is evenly distributed on the surface of the earth, and converted into liquid water depth, the so-called equivalent depth of water, then the equivalent water depth of 2700-2800 meters, and water vapor in the atmosphere the equivalent depth of only 3 cm. Therefore, the source of the water cycle, mainly refers to the water source. the premier When the surface is uneven, and no water is now so vast, vast majority of water on earth was the rock crystal water is present in the form of the Earth's interior, with the development of the Earth, the water inside the gradual accumulation in the surface. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, the sea originated in the Earth's interior, from underground rock. but the sea and from condensation from the atmosphere, this is because the radioactive substance inside the earth fission and ooze heat, so the crust by temperature, so the Earth's inner produce pile up water vapor, which has a high temperature water vapor, by magmatic movement or volcanic outbreaks, but also went outside the earth, into atmospheric water in the atmosphere and fall to the earth's surface as precipitation in the form to form a primitive hydrosphere. a gradual increase in sea water accumulation process. It is estimated that the original ocean current of the sea water is about 1 / 10. Well, now so many water on the planet, no mistrust from the Earth since the formation, after the gradual accumulation of hundreds of millions of years. The original ocean water is not salty, and after changed because the increase of salt in brine, salt increase comes mainly from three aspects: First, the dissolution of bedrock; second submarine volcanic eruptions continue increase in sea water chloride and sulfate content; three rocks on land, a large number of mineral weathering, erosion, and dissolved into the oceans by rivers carrying. So now not only more water but also water, the average salinity to 35p, which is formed gradually accumulated.
sea water itself, because Enthusiasm thermal conductivity, heat from the hot area to the low temperature zone transfer phenomenon. seawater heat conduction in three forms: the molecular heat conduction, heat conduction and eddy convection heat transfer. molecular heat conduction is due to the molecular composition of the liquid and dissolved in the liquid caused by the irregular movement of heat transfer phenomena, such as the temperature of the adjacent water layers of different, will result in the spread of solutes, resulting in exchange, so that the heat transfer. In nature, fluid flow is always in state of turbulence or eddy, in this case, the exchange of the adjacent water layer, when the exchange is not finite to molecules, but blocks of different sizes of water between exchange. contained in this heat exchange will send attach, this is called eddy heat conduction heat transfer; the eddy haphazard motion of water blocks, there is not certain direction, and thus eddy heat conduction can be divided into vertical and levels of 2 types, mainly vertical eddy heat conduction. convection heat transfer depends on the vertical distribution of water density. When the density of the upper waters of the sea than its lower density, then gravity is greater than the buoyancy, sea water and thus the vertical direction occurs convection and heat on the exchange. three approximation, molecular heat conduction is extremely weak, mainly eddy heat conduction and convection heat transfer. from the sea speaking, the tropical ocean to eddy heat conduction based; moderate seas, the summer to vortex Activity Conducted mainly by convection conduction mainly in winter; frigid ocean convection heat transfer based Zeyi.
heat capacity of water directed 1 cubic centimeter of seawater temperature rises 1 ℃ heat necessary. The value of sea water and sea water characteristic heat density of the production, its element is the card / cm 3. degrees. Since the specific heat and density of sea water than atmosphere, so is the heat capacity, such as taking water density r = 1.026, water specific heat Cp = 0.932; and the density of atmosphere r '= 0.00129, the air's specific heat Cr' = 0.237, then the heat capacity of water Cpr = 0.956 cards / cm 3. degrees, while the air heat capacity Cp'r '= 0.000306 card / cm 3. degrees, a difference of 3100 times . In other words, a cubic kilometers of water when the temperature was lower, make 3100 cubic kilometers of air temperature was, can be penetrated in regulating Earth's oceans play a significant role in temperature, it is also the thermal properties of seawater , production the earth a mild weather.
seawater intrusion through the absorbent layer refers to the sea (including the aquitard) into the lower floor level light aquifer. In general, the water class of the land than the light water aquifer water level high, but later catching large quantities of land short aquifer, the groundwater level under the sea level will make it, resulting in sea water (salt water) into the land through the light permeable layer of the aquifer, thus undermining the groundwater resources. Qinhuangdao City, China, taken as a large number of underground fresh water, resulting in water large-scale invasion forward the dirt, numerous areas have been salted water; Eminem coastal metropolis of Amsterdam Netherlands, over the years to rely on way to fresh water in coastal sand dunes, resulting in the underlying salt water rising in recent decades began to refer to the Rhine synthetic recharge of river sand dune yearly 60 million tons of fresh water to prevent seawater intrusion. can afford wells and the water fight between a row of wells, pumping caused by the low level trough, or the formation of hydraulic barriers injection usage; in the rewarding geological conditions, but also embankment can be built underground water, these methods can serve to prevent the effects of seawater intrusion.
velocity of sound in sea water in the spread. resolved to sound wag circulation speed of the main factors are temperature, salinity and pressure (depth). temperature the greatest impact on the speed of sound, temperature, increase the speed of sound. As seawater temperature, salinity, the uneven distribution can cause uneven distribution of sound velocity to the velocity gradient of the formation of the ocean, sound waves in sea water spread faster than the speed of circulation in the air three times faster in the half (about 1500 m / s). When that temperature, salinity and depth, you can calculate the speed of sound. seawater to make a direct calculation of the speed of sound equipment sounds speed detector, Its going principle is measured by the acoustic pulse through a certain time interval in order to speak out from the speed.
sea water concentrations of trace elements that is equal to or less than 1 mg / l element. In addition to the constant element of water, nutrients, dissolved gases , the other is known as sea water trace element. periodically in the water content in the 1m0.001 mg / L trace elements as sea water, the content is less than 0.001 mg / l of trace element called water element. seawater low levels of trace elements, determination more intricate, but trace elements of shape, balance and mechanism of transfer, in the ocean chemistry is very important, so attention in recent years, especially since the 50 years since the heavy metals in the marine pollution proposed research work is creature intensified. seawater trace elements in dynamic equilibrium state, the role of rock weathering by water and other means have been brought into the ocean, in the ocean and through the biological, physical, chemical and geological processes to migrate to the sea, so that concentration in the ocean are relatively stable state. However, due to industrial development, mineral exploitation, and increased the amount of trace elements in the allocation to the ocean, if the rate of transmission is greater than the rate of marine normal balance (self-purification capacity) to make these elements in sea water content increased, a number of toxic massive metals on marine pollution, the ecological balance of marine life, which cause damage to persons.
sea water temperature to a water depth of insulation from whichever methods to heave to the surface when the temperature has called the potential temperature. often said t, climbed the throne temperature t = tM-t, tM-site for the water temperature, t is reduced due to adiabatic cooling temperature, t the temperature, salt changes in temperature and pressure changes. such as on-site water tM = 5 ℃, it insulated from 6,000 meters below sea level when raised to t = 0.80 ℃, so the sea water temperature t = 5 ℃ -0.80 ℃ = 4.20 ℃. morsel temperature can be calculated according to the adiabatic temperature gradient, with compression of the sea, when the water block to rise, the pressure decreases due to volume expansion, inner energy decreases, temperature decreases; when the water down the block, because of the pressure to increase the volume of reduced, the energy increases, the temperature rises. situated blocks from the water at the depth h1 h2 shake, according to the principle of maintenance of energy in the cm. grams. second system adiabatic temperature change formula:
where T is the temperature ( Kelvin temperature scale with that), e is the thermal expansion coefficient Peng, Cp is specific heat at constant pressure, g is the haste due to gravity, J is the mechanical equivalent of heat (equivalent to 4.1863t107 ergs / card). potential temperature is not a function of depth, it is an index of thermal properties of sea water can be used to study the way water mass movement.
sea water temperature reflects the thermal state of a physical amount. the world's ocean water temperature is generally between -2 ℃ m30 ℃, which exceeded the average water temperature 20 ℃ the region accounted for more than half of the entire ocean area. seawater temperature daytime, month, year, years and other cyclical changes and irregular changes, which mainly depends on the ocean heat ration and its time to change. by straight detection that : little change in water temperature on the change scope from 0m30 meters water depth, while the annual change of about 350 meters depth can be reached at. at a depth of 350 meters hardly ever, was a constant level. but with increasing depth, water temperature gradually decreased (per depth 1000 m, a dwindle of nearly 1.m2 ℃), 3000m4000 meters in depth, the temperature reached 2.m-1 ℃. seawater temperature of the ocean hydrology one of the most important factor, often as the nature of water mass, water mass movement described The basic indicators. of spatial and temporal distribution of water temperature variation is not only an important part of oceanography and meteorological, navigation, fishing industry and the sound of water and other exercises are also important.
water pressure refers to a certain height of the sea water col 1 square centimeter to its bottom area of ​​the coerce. common symbols P, said unit dyne / cm 2 or bar (1 bar = 106 dyne / cm 2). terrestrial standard atmospheric pressure is equal to 1.0325 bar, it is equal to 1.03323 kg / cm 2, which is 76 cm high pressure mercury. If the density of sea water taken 1.03 g / cm 2, according to static formula, equivalent to a depth of 10.03 m at atmospheric pressure. In other words, that each additional depth of 10 meters, an increase of about a atmospheric pressure. pressure units, practical take on the often 1 , but also a function of temperature and salinity, the pressure on the conductance of temperature or salinity than the more apparent effects.
water static pressure compression means that when an added unit of pressure caused by water when the specific volume of phase
constant temperature increase of unit pressure, some water quality changes in the volume ratio of the amount of the original volume. where the constant K is called the water division the amount of compression, V is the volume of seawater, V, P are the volume and pressure changes volume. compressibility of water, with the temperature, salinity, pressure increases. compressibility of water is small, about 4t10-5. seawater volume of the compression system, sound transmission rate for its size is an important physical parameters. seawater density is temperature, salinity and pressure of the feature, whether the temperature and salinity as a constant, then the density of sea water will vary with pressure, or that with the increase of depth, which made the water in a settled state . It is estimated that, if the water can not abbreviate, then the sea than the sea surface height 20m30 meters now.
early elucidation of salinity: the water in a thousand Ridge, bromine and iodine replaced at chlorine equivalent of the carbonate into oxides, alphabetical material is rusted when always the solids in the absolute grams. Unit: g / kg, symbol: Sp, and the narrative between chlorinity: Sp = 0.030 +1.8050 tClp.1966 agencies, according to the International Year of the marine water conductivity and salinity of seawater conductivity percentage 35.000p criterion R15 (by 15 ℃), the emulating relationship for a current elucidation of salinity: Sp =- 0.08996 +28.29720 R15 +12.80832 R152-10.67869R153 +5.98624 R154-1.32311R155 salinity and the narration among the degree of chlorine using the emulating formula: Sp = 1.80655Clp water salinity is related to the physical and chemical properties of an important parameter, is the study of water manoeuvre, dividing the water hunk, and additional important ingredients to resolve the speed of sound.
seawater nutrients that tin control water in the ocean affect marine plant growth and biomass of those ingredients. marine life in increase to CO2, O2 and other gases, yet also absence phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other factors to fashion the organism's proteins and nuclear, We phosphorus, nitrogen and silicon as the chief nutrients. Additionally, there are some trace ingredients (such as steel, manganese, bronze, etc.) also have some affect biological processes, call them trace metal nutrients. experimental results show that: phosphorus, nitrogen a small number to a certain extent, can not carry out photosynthesis, plants for beyond breeding to be limited. marine plants grow in a sun, photosynthesis can be within the upper ocean, which constitute the organism protein intake and nitrogen embodied in the nucleus phosphorus, a nutrient water the maximum important into the sea. Ocean can be precipitation, creek runoff into the sea, when the phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other elements play a complementary role, vertical merging and convective mixing and upwelling and so ashore but also to phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients from the sea or the submarine to the sea bottom to altitude, resulting in continually replenish. high and cheap nutrient content will have a certain relationship with the plankton, such as the Pacific east coast due to a steady increase in stream, so the place for phosphorus, nitrogen rich, biological to large population, is the earth notable fishing space. a sea nutrient content apparently seasonal changes: winter surface water of phosphorus, nitrogen content is tall, decreasing the spring, summer, multiplication of plant altitude, the content will be depressed to a minimum , autumn began to increase nutrient content.
water and airy CO2 exchange of ocean surface water and gaseous CO2 exchange between the recent years is quite attention. As the consecutive evolution of manufacture, coal, fuel combustion CO2 into the atmosphere are increasing, according to research 19th century, atmospheric CO2 concentration was 0.028%, now increased to about 0.033%. recent test showed that the increase in annual number of atmospheric CO2 is about 0.2% . atmospheric CO2 content on the temperature to a certain extent, this is due to CO2 in the atmosphere will preoccupy the Earth's long-wave radiation, the absorption related to the content and CO2, CO2 absorbed high levels of radiation, more heat loss to the earth less, the temperature heaves, this effect is called oil consumption measure of CO2 into the atmosphere is estimated at about 1.34t1010 tons, half of which green plants sponge through photosynthesis into organic matter, and release oxygen, the other half into the atmosphere. Oceanic and Atmospheric CO2 exchange between the rate, and CO2 in collection in the atmosphere are instantly related. oceans contain 7.5 grams per square centimeter of carbon in the atmosphere about 60 times. sea exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere can only be carried out in the sea, its direction resolute by the exchange between sea water and atmospheric CO2 the partial pressure, such as the water partial pressure greater than atmospheric CO2, the CO2 into the atmosphere from the sea, on the contrary, the water will dissolve atmospheric CO2. seawater CO2 partial pressure of determination on many factors: such as temperature, salinity, biological photosynthesis and respiration, pH, such as seawater. Every year the number of CO2 into the ocean, very complex, subject to water physics, chemistry, biology, geology and the impact of campaigns, etc., it is difficult to make firm conclusions.
water index refers to the scatter of light in a vacuum, the speed and velocity in the seawater ratio. refractive index of light of alter wavelengths are no equal. seawater refractive index likewise decreases with increasing temperature, with the amplify of salinity increases.
potential heat of evaporation of sea water refers to water particles depart the surface evaporation of water vapor into the process of evaporation of water molecules in the results of the average kinetic stamina decreases,toronto escorts, accordingly lowering the surface temperature; This means that the evaporation consumes heat. for of the sea the evaporation detriment of heat namely shrieked potential heat of evaporation of sea water, or 1 Ridge water evaporation heat necessitated for the card digit. the card / g, said. It has been reckoned in the sea, deserving to the amassed surplus of radiation heat process, almost 10% of transportation access into the atmosphere, and the remaining 90% is used for evaporation. Thus, the latent heat of evaporation of sea water temperature distribution in the oceans plays an momentous character and change.

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