Saturday, April 23, 2011

for you make your amount bound towards a extra shrewd dimension

Galactic Federation ship ashore February 6 Alpha Information
[Resources / Web Editor / Lily]
Greetings, from Alpha Spaceship!
Greetings from the alpha to warship!
The microscopic microparticles that inhabit the microcosm are in minuscule form what the stars and planets are to the cosmos (macrocosm). To quote the age adage: occurs at the microscopic level, or at least something similar.
stars and planets is a small part of the universe (macro). quoted proverb: in the overall level, but likewise in the microscopic level, alternatively at fewest a part of.
In a similar way, and those of you who have studied occult literature will know this, asset that happen in the three-dimensional physical airplane have already occurred a short time before in the astral plane, before it materializes in the physical earth. These are the sensations that you have at intervals when you trust to have lived a location that has fair occurred, what you shriek vu perceptible before. These feelings like when you are in some cases, you deem that a scene in the quondam has already happened. This you shriek dajavu (French: meaning of deja vu)
During the night , when you nap, your astral body, by with your other subtle bodies, quit the physical body that remains in a catatonic or vegetative state, as if to rest the 'sweet slumber of death' - and work to alter places where you continue your process of learning or being of service.
the night when you sleep, your astral body, along with the rest of your tiny body, and left the material aspect of your body, allows the body to retain a firm or in a vegetative state, like into the ... about to say, you sleep like a die time with you will go to other places =-= work, and then wake up to God, do not remember =-=... nag and then marvel why .. people who find themselves inquired to Alpha even do not know why ..)
You may have noticed that over time, particularly in recent months, more people are channeling our messages. Something that started as a minor phenomenon and very rare, has been increased to the point that today, at the beginning of 2011, humanity has many mediums, channels, speakers, tools, or as you prefer to call it, people who leave their bodies in the service to attempting themselves as transmitters so that all the information we want to convey, effectively and quickly becomes available to all of the readers of our communications.
you may have noticed, over time, especially in recent months, pile up The message we were psychic. It is only as a inferior phenomenon, this is very infrequent, has increased this, it is today, in 2011, humans have many psychic, aisle, spokesman, tool, or (casually) how would you like to call it, those who have left their bodies to invest similar services, as a communicator, so that all the information we want to transfer, accurately and quickly sent to all the readers to understand our communication .
We already forecast this in before messages, and you are now seeing the fact in that the number of channelers is growing exponentially. And it could not be anybody other course, as you make your quantum leap towards a more subtle dimension, something that is already underway - although not drastically but gradually - as build up human are developing the competence to contact Us telepathically.
we have foretold that, in the previous information which said, and you now see The truth is that the number of psychic also exponentially addition. and it can not be any other way, like you are the way to quantum leap towards a more subtle dimension, some work has been linked to the implementation, although not very intense but slowly - as build up people are formative telepathic abilities to contact us.
Telepathy is a quality that is adult as the human being responds to decisive patterns of behaviour and its basic bodies (physical, etheric, astral / emotional, cerebral and causal) become more subtle. Because of its refinement and gradual process of becoming lighter, the more subtle bodies of man are also experiencing a rise to a higher state.
telepathy as human existence is a response to some action patterns can be of higher quality, and its elementary form (physical, etheric body, astral, mawkish, spiritual and causal bodies) convert more slight. for of its delicate and gradual process and become more full of light, more subtle structure of the human body is experiencing a ascend to a higher state.
Lastly, once all the bodies of human creatures have ascended (this is the process of Ascension and not something else), then man will be base in a spontaneous and natural form in a higher dimension.
Finally, once all of the people body's enhanced (this is to enhance the process and not additional entities), The man will ascertain them in a higher measurement of a spontaneous and normal manner of existence.
And that will be the result of your own evolutionary effort; we will not have mediated by always in it. The credit will be yours, and that's really smart and what gives merit and relevance apt your fulfilment!
This is the result of development of your efforts; we altogether do not get comprised (ps: should they not grab credit for the =-= .) honor is yours, and that the final success because you are very beautiful and has a very valuable!!
What you do during the day, while you remain in the waking state, together with what takes place during the night with your subtle bodies, is what is going to drive your soul, from the rank where you have been more or less static for centuries or even milennia, to the new situation in which you will live very soon. Do not forget that you are multidimensional beings and that you do not live solely on the physical plane of forms.
see whether you did the before daytime, when you {awake|awake}, but also place you in the shrewd body during the night the same thing happened , which also pedals your psyche, you generation after generation has capable from the position of thousands of years, arrived in the new location, which will pile up your pace of life. Do not forget to forget you are multi-dimensional existence, you merely exist in the stuff aspects of our reality.
All of you who are alive via a similar experience, if not identical, when you have taken the ascent step that is happening in these times of planetary change, will all manage to shift Gaia, your dear Mother, towards the glorious state of the New Earth.
all of you in the experience of similar experience, if it were not for identical, when you take that moment catching place in the planetary class, a key tread to enhance change will be Gaia accustomed to aid all of you darling Mother, marching toward the reputation of the new Earth!!
We have said in our previous statements that nobody of us knows with any certainty the date when this evolutionary leap in which you live as [a new] humanity of the planet will become effective. But we do understand one thing, is that the conversion from the old Earth to the New Humanity will be acted successfully, and it can not happen differently, when the Divine Creator has decreed that this will be your destiny.
we have said in our previous statement, we do not have one will know you live in the planet Earth into a new evolutionary leap in the exact day. but we do know one thing, that is the Earth during the transition from the old man will be successful the new, and there are no surprises, which in the divine creator (God) that the time to resolve, this is your task.
Let us pray together that this dimensional shift, this supreme spiritual achievement on benefit of man, is granted very soon.
Let us work attach to alter the dimension of time and space to appeal it, with the maximum spiritual achievements of human achievement, will soon grant you.
Peace Peace and Love and Love

Source: Commander Sohin
Channel: Kris Won
translation interpreter POPOI2
thank POPOI2
salute to reprint so that more people can see the
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