Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yang Qin police warned students namely the doves are protected brutal animals and tin no annihilate

Feb. 13 at 2 pm,shenzhen escort, two men in the Asian outskirts of the Central Plains Road in the urban districts to capture the wild doves , they were patrolling the police station Municipal Public Security Bureau discovered eastern to stop in time ,guangzhou escort,this for a marvel. And absolutely there namely such amarvele whales., and was arrested a man student labeled Yang Qin , 19 doves were unlocked into nature .
patrol police station , along to police Dongfeng Xing Guanghao introduction,shenzhen massage, while he and his colleagues from the Central Plains Boulevard Lei navel of the night when the patrol found two men carrying bags, carrying fishing nets, lines track quite suspicious . The catalogue showed that 2 men in the hands of the bags , a absolute of 19 suspected unlawful to capture wild doves .
discern things brought to light , a male fled when the police are no arranged , and the other a man named Yang Qin students were caught . According to Yang Qin students said they planned to sell them to the game stores wild doves .
Yang Qin police warned students that the doves are defended wild beasts and can not annihilate , and reproved him . Immediately, the police ambition be students and 19 wild Yang Qin Dove transferred to Forest Public Security Bureau .
almost 9 am that daytime ,shanghai escort, the woods in the city in cooperation with public security departments , 19 were sent to the wild savage doves (from Zhumadian Forum )

discontinue in the elapse savage sanguinary mutton into the vegetarian peaceable culture.

Source: Chinese Vegetarian Vegetarian Network 2011-01-24
peak founder Jack. Norris leaflets and manuals, to 2006, at present, they are a total of five million copies of the booklet issued by the mind to change their eating habits are more can not be estimated. fishing and fisheries organizations to get the sagacity an of the founders Jack? Norris (JackNoris ) was nativity in Ohio in 1967, he was 19 years old when the home went fishing and witnessed the sight of the fish choke the pain, which was a great impact, since then, he began to pay care to animal rights related message also partook in a digit of animal-rights movement, which he has chance a strict vegetarian, he said: side by working to retain life until 1995, he and his acquaintances in the liberation movement,shenzhen massage, Matt? Paul co-founded The University of delivery, from which the organization has become their main specifics and mode of action. insist on the concept of Jack? Norris, the brain of the organization founded 2 years, visited the United States 229 universities, the manual unlock from the black and pearly to color However, regardless of how the altered manual, Jack insisted on the cover of the manual to make people know apparently understand that this is a vegetarian to save animals, advising people to the manual, he said: Manual did not know the manual open, it will make people feel cheated. intention of the organization in order to avoid blurring. decided to convert a dietitian visited the University during this period, he found institute students compliant to care for animals and a lofty proportion of vegetarians, but they are often not enough nutrition to give up the vegetarian vegetarian. Such phenomena led him to determined to work behind to school to become a nutritionist, he was asked, is not that there dietitian license, the support will be more convincing on a vegetarian, but he replied: s authorization to improve the persuasiveness of my starting point is to help those who want a vegetarian but it is on the health cares of the people public awareness of vegetarian or reply to questions,guangzhou massage, to encourage more people to preserve a vegetarian's decision. Selected Animal Rights Hall of Fame in 2005 Jack? Norris and Matt? Paul because of the contribution of animals elected for animal rights celebrities, Jack? Norris can be selected for the medal was very, very elated vegetarian peak effort by the public recognition, he said in an interview: people can combine the ranks of vegetarians, onward with changing the destiny of the animals. printed * Male 2009-09-13
monk today, you are welcome to join the ranks of the great vegetarian. Let us migrate forward toward civilization! Let us memorize the teachings of the following 10:
1, then fragrant meat, but also a are only decomposition of animal body chapters torn.
2. vegetarianism reflects the growth of human, love mercy, and lively outlook to social services. This is the awakening of a heart begins, and completely harmless to the body. < br> 3, is a mark fashionable vegetarian diet, will be an immediate economy, environmental, moral, spiritual and nutritional benefit, as a award given to you.
4. meat on the planet's ecological, economic and spiritual progress , it is a threat.
5, animal '(animal) word, originated in the Latin word' soul 'anima. The testify of the everlasting truth once again received attention, because vegetarianism actually is becoming the mainstream.
6. animals have souls like us, have the same utter right to enjoy life, free to express their emotions.
7. If we want to live long lives, we must carefully prefer their own diet normal, healthy, fresh, not impurities, and simple to digestion vegetarian, and will own pantry into a cleansing of the psyche, so that cooking becomes a love and devotion to the craft.
8, people should be a more compassionate world, in this world, human love animals will be to replace the use or abuse them. Please remind their own people, person creatures are not the only marathon on earth 9.
9 , bound his lust apt transfer meat, namely a self-requested character.
10, leave in the past wild bloody meat into the vegetarian peaceful civilization.
to dodge wrong karma to save the planet annihilating agreeable
Recommended book: > global groups of animals more than the death of an animal raised concerns
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[Today's Focus 2011.01.15] peculiar utmost weather how the phenomenon of the earth?
extreme weather
honest a lecture to the progressive program that we tin not save the planet, I'm apologetic, not rapid enough, according to the way we are to save our world will be too late. You ask how I outlook the current situation in the earth, I have to honestly narrate you that the situation is quite pressing, quite pressing absolutely all the circumstances, some scientists now mention that without the implementation of eruption rebate targets significantly extra affirmative than the targets set in numerous countries higher, and soon the earth ambition heat up twice. It would be a misadventure earth, to response your question the latest newspaper, the most solemn is the hideous consequences of universal warming out of control. worrying is the country done enough, the scientists depict this situation ambition guide to runaway weather change .
From: According to the present time and the critical situation of environmental conservation also late to save the planet single (Click to penetrate full text)
soul will be saved, as the Earth is not identified. If we proceed to undermine the spiritual line without creating a new or longer it wider, I do not know whether I have hope. because we will besieged, not only sea level ascend, global warming, species extinction, hurricanes, torrents, water shortage, what will be scanty,shanghai massage, and even the solar storm. If we do not preoccupy moral will to solar flares, and many other disasters, and if we do not have morals, all parties may be kick, if we do not change lives, become more compassionate and caring, access to heaven attention, it could encounter a kind of dingy disaster. We can only continue to do our best,toronto asian escort, think,apologetic ..., chant. I do not know the time is also enough, if humans do not change, we can not do anything, understand? because of too few, the entire earth is ready, most people are prepared, but world chairmen to tell them. not only government chairmen, as well as spiritual leaders, religious leaders, we must work attach to tell you, it should be changed. They themselves have to change , set a good sample bravely preaches that people can follow their instance, and know the situation is urgent, and how they want to help. our group, when meaningful, can endow, but people must change in order to deserve God's help, or Even if we meditate more, if they do not change, only our benefit only, no amuse to them.
From: exposing the large mysteries of the sun and the macrocosm of 12 sets of 12
hereafter of the planet - do not ambition to face The truth
at the peak of and the critical current situation of environmental protection too late to save the planet
alone only to stop killing, to love mercy eat organic vegan diet change to save the world
CCTV global warming news: less calls dining meat save the earth
cheap carbon economic requires a fundamental solution to the problem
low-carbon living from the Earth
Irish Sunday Independent newspaper interview with a correspondent to solve global warming, organic vegan diet vegan crisis
who is the fastest way to cool the planet
vegan diet, we must as soon as possible in mandate to save the planet
Save the Earth must be fully
East Coast FM radio station interview
aesthetic lifestyle to curb climate change and establish a paradise above earth - seven-part series
merciful information from Mars: uphold moral and Save the Earth
Venus Secrets
mentoring dialogue: If everyone hard, perhaps we will have time to save the planet by the vegetarian
return to the Garden of Eden on Earth there are 3 cardinal greenhouse gases
: 1.CO2: 2. methane : 37% from meat (the greenhouse effect is the CO2 x72) 3. nitrous oxide: 65% from meat (the greenhouse effect is the CO2 x310) vegetarian diet can be forcible to chilly the planet for environmental technology research and development time so we can produce 51 surviving cattle % of the greenhouse gas ~ World Outlook Magazine WorldWatch vegetarian can save up to 80% of the spend of climate goals ~ Netherlands Environmental Assessment Committee
from you and I begin to solve the global warming crisis
most direct and effective and free way to
is the organic vegan diet
World Bank environmental experts Robert Goodland, and Jeff Anhang latest report, World Watch Magazine ~

Earth Day: Ban Ki-moon cried because multinational celebrities such as respect and a standing ovation Mother Earth
top climate scientist James Dr. Han Sen James
crisis reminded the Earth. Hansen: remaining time of 4 years to war climate change
U.S. space agency scientists say the greenhouse effect: This is the final become
Chairman of United Nations agencies called for: eat less meat, the mitigation of climate warming, United Nations officials called on
fewer meat to save the planet too helps reduction
Guangdong television vegetarian ad: win-win solution - IPCC Chairman of the planet about vegetarian critical

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The aboriginal Ming Line books

, The original Ming Line paperbacks, likewise known as Lin to bring light, Lin Chueh-fu, Lin stone, (1919.8-1992.10), male, original of the East Village Chenghai Zhanglin. China's notable literary main.
Mu was born in Hong Kong while her parents moved apt Singapore .3 .1932 Zhanglin on back home. youth age and studied at the Singapore end of Mongolian schools, British schools Zhanglin Crafts, Shantou, a secondary educate in the spring of .1938 to Guangzhou apt partake in anti-Japanese citizen salvation war and,shanghai massage,resulting in a kind of chemicals. herbal tea as a people medicine, later years in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in .1941 Guilin Zhongshan, a secondary school, and busy in book, to work into the literary earth. Former China ***.
new China was founded, served for chief of the Office of Culture of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Zhonghua, director of commentary, the Guangzhou Branch of the Chinese Writers Association, Vice President, civilization People's Congress; Quanguowenlian membership of China as the Association, the Executive Chairman of the Guangdong Literary Federation, and served as
issued Collected Works, animal husbandry,

saying namely this mar ambition no have whichever shock aboard the Earth

Today, I am lazy, had a infrequent free time.
Mother shopping by a supermarket apt companion it.
Are shopping when the radio sounded the supermarket, probably method the supermarket to our darling clients to participate in Earth Hour activities like going to long and so when the lights are cornered off.
colossal and complicated universal network of game, when creature designed, the designer evidently does not expect such one sequel, they may be fair the initial chart want to inspect, that the data in a complex bundle of narrations is how to survive or vanish, and to amend the programs to be designed later,shanghai escort, but the data did not anticipate the conveyor to carry data to speedily kill the planet ---.
When the gods do not know which show the globe is round afterward, we know you want a flat circular circulation of objects requires a poise in all directions, we look at what peoples have done, I'm not sure the street open so many cars, where they secondhand petrol to the, usually open on the ground get down to the mountains of coal, when the earth like a bite out of apples, how he can turn settled. There will always be a team of pigs out
rumor, mentioning that this mar ambition no have whichever shock aboard the Earth, thousands of miles of dikes, demolished the colony.
I appreciate Osama binary Laden, he is a true hero, dare to face United States, and to this country shrieked free and fair slap in the face.
but in fact are the same in all countries, the governor of the world for the muff, and then called on people to obey with the order.
when the ruling class resolved to make war , judged to stop manufacturing weapons, atomic bomb determination, the decision to stop the construction of factories, large-scale deforestation has yet decided the decision ... the people are the final victims.
I looked at hearing to such to save the label of these activities, wanted to smile, when the country people's life and death matter heated wasted time,writing dust, they began to call the people told them to disburse consideration to serious savings, while the gang of people to do so, they surely grateful heart : Our country is really a responsible country, the country's mastery for the people really tried their quite best, is our good leading. They shut the light bulb, which hours, must be, or go for a hike, or a circle with a household, but the discussion admission for the country to save my stamina, and then the afterward adjoin queried sigh: Oh you have no light on ah, ah, ah off, ha ha, we save the planet our home ah. center will naturally be with a hero like have pride, and think to yourself this is not the world we really do not ....< br> human are really nice deceive, they do not understand, they like to linger as the world's mains of the dingy family, appearance The factory not stopped rumbling through, could have been not very ample power supply, the people turns out the lights, horsepower more mighty, the director danced a ballroom starting at family; when they are heated disputes on matters relating to the time to save the world, Libya over the ammunition and mine each additional every once in a while came the innocent civilian casualties, meantime Barack Obama may be going home to bed with the wife, not because of situation, and debate, also late to take call calls.
I thought a video called Han, a small animal concern activities, hardly evermething, I think one thing, the U.S. animal protection people have saved a seal, spend a lot of silver, and time trials to eventually emancipate successfully, then elected a good days of loosen, the moment of loosen has not gone cheers,toronto asian escort, this seal was a whale swallowed ...
really like this variety of accident repetition of the catastrophe, too many people like to self- comfort, hasty endangered animals, so called for protection of beasts; too much waste of our resources, no direction to let people off lights, plastic bags taint the surroundings, it becomes a amends because the use, as though everyone peace of mind, and to calculate I contribute to the same, but the state machine has never been stopped because of these entities and, when the blue sky increasingly polluted, when the explicit blue sea is no longer an along one, people, you do it or not can stop by the ruling class control of the rumbling wheels.
when the blazing fires, fires angering, I brought a glass of water came, I would like to beverage than you used to have darted out more.
good people, precisely because people goodness, you are thoroughly exploited.
when the earth into dust the moment, we really know what means to save you, my adore.
tragedy is staged.

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1977年concerned almost the progress of the ozone gas monitor harm

Treat the Earth in 2007 - from savings to begin
2006年treat the Earth - concern resources, consecutive progress
2005年treat the Earth - Science,they were accused of ulterior motives as the tendentious, built with the proper
2004年treat the Earth , Science Progress
2003年treat the world, to look after the Earth background
2002年so full of affair
2001 on the world of all things , the network of life context Millennium
2000 2000 mm shake up it !
1999 Earth in the salvage namely to rescue the next
1998 lives on Earth mm rescue our oceans
1997 above Earth 's life
1996 Our Earth , resident , the family
1995年Countries together people together, contrived a more splendid world
1994 One Earth , a meager rustic shijiazi
1993年mm from the vicious circle and the background
1992 Only One Earth mm cares attach , elbow to elbow apt share
1991 Tour Guide Weather changes in Ningxia mm Blame the world absence to cooperate
1990年children and background
1989年JIE JU , the world gets hot ,toronto escorts!
1988年try to care for the background , continuous progress , the public participation < br> 1987年resident
1986年background and the background and peace
1985年boy, people, background
1984年summary of desert exercising in governance and happiness
1983年away without discipline dangerous matters ; control Acid rain damage and the growth of vigor efficiency
1982年matter who remember the general background of the Stockholm Convention mm boost of the 10th commemoration of the background versed
1981年people to look after the general term because the spring and the food shackle; Toxic Chemicals
1980 The fashionable 10-year , new challenges mm did not break the progress of
1979 mm and in the hereafter years in order to not damage a child 's progress
1978 years without damage
1977年concerned about the progress of the ozone gas monitor damage ,shanghai escort, water Shi wastage, degradation and deforestation *** adobe trees
1976 Water: source of life and close relationships , Human
1975 general resident
1974 almanac year was only one Earth Day Earth
subject :
2008 Earth Day to the answer is: Treat the Earth mm from the side of the mini entities
Pham Van format of this treatise is taken from network (
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【This is Zhuantie pilfering down to share】
1: Jinsuo village southeast of Erhai Lake (276,198) Jane D 5-7 level NPC identification of character for sale
2: Northwest hills of snow Cliff Wang (70,48) Ma Ling NPC selling a variety of pocket 4 Dazao pattern
3: Yan Wang mausoleum 5 floor 6 wafer beneath the mouth of a NPC selling a variety of 5 Dazao pattern
4: Wuyi patrol northeast of camp (212, 47) Jian Ting 5-8 NPC level identification character for sale.
5: the participation of western Liaoning Province in Northeast United Pei (279,49) LIU Ji Da Zao NPC Figure sell entire kinds 5.
6: the navel of the Quang Ninh town in western Liaoning (171,189) bargain of the sword given NPC level identification 8-10 temperaments.
7: talks about the million selling a kind of crocodile beach with NPC Figure 6 Dazao.
deem that many human do not understand the NPC talks approximately the million alligators in the waterfront There! In fact, the right to walk in the door, straight before you can see!
8:7 level or above Dazao Figure in Luoyang Dazao Figure merchant then reanimate the sale. or ingot store.
9:2 ~ 10 of the drawings can be bought in various martial pate that necessitated doors tribute.
10: Miao NPC Hung Tin 250 255 feline eye of the tiger, violet jade, emerald, garnet, spinel (1J)
talks about manifold properties of NPC Hung Lung 250,140 stones, stones of manifold martial art attacks (1J5Y)
Pa 145,105 Huanglong various government flood resistant NPC stone (1J5Y), alexandrite (99Y99T)
(refresh each specific time servers are different, see you that the server updated the beginning hours of specific, specific to the minute!)
martial BOSS: BOSS is a martial art brush 1 every 8 hours!
have time to brush It’s about time: (8 hours refresh)
beggars: SUN at 0:00
Emei: Yuan Gongzi 2:30
Mingjiao: Kim Sang 5:00
Shaolin: Peng Hou 0:00
stars: fall Niang 2:30
thirty Tianshan: White Review 2:30
Wudang: Bangladesh taste 0:00
Happy: Jiachuan 5:00
Dragon: Wang Jun 5 : 00
(to played, what good things did not fall, and only martial summoned)
gang task items Daquan
wheat cereal 1 / Dali / Luoyang / Suzhou, China 2 Rice / Dali / Suzhou
3 corn / Luoyang 4 peanut / sweet potato Luoyang 5 / Dali / Suzhou
6 sorghum / sesame Luoyang 7 / Dali 8 mung bean / soybean Suzhou 9 / Dali / Suzhou
10 bean / Luoyang / Suzhou > 5 Eucommia / Longquan 5 herb / Longquan 5 Poria / Longquan
6 wind / hills Elsholtzia 6 / 6 Coptis hills / hills
7 Angelica / Yanbei 7 Guixin / Yanbei 7 Cyperus / Yanbei < br> 8 Agastache / 8 back to God Wuyi grass / Wuyi 8 Shouwu / Wuyi
9 Cordyceps sinensis / 9 nigrum seeds Stone / Stone
10 as beta / 10 ginseng prairie / grassland give up the / Cangshan
6 Yuen Iron / hills / Yanbei
7 Shuijing Kuang / Yanbei / Wuyi
8 Emerald Mine / Wuyi / Wu Shilin
9 truly bomb / Stone Forest / Grassland
10 Long Blood Ore / grassland / Meiling 3 White Black Silver silver zinc iodide
4 fluorite, quartz mica feldspar talc
5 zeolite
6 square jade pyrophyllite
7 diopside stone vermiculite Shiyi Li Shi Bingzhou
8 Glauber Hui Shi rectorite witherite pyrochlore
10 blue stone olivine nepheline nepheline pastel
[updated wisdom this namely merely a:) to mention here every level there is a variety of does no mention namely something is the story of Xiao circulate task to do something oh]
1 gasoline green bean cake / snatched lettuce mushrooms Floss
rice paper cake, peanut dumplings, red beans with rice, nuts, dried bean curd, a product porridge / Sixi balls, hot and sour fish, fish-flavored eggplant cakes, wine, steamed
2 Grilled corn Zhima Bing / Sauce Beef Sweet & Sour Pork
3 oil fried gluten Kam color / Beggar Chicken fried yellow croaker
4 Shao cake almond cakes / fish sauce Guantang package
Cookies, Yeer rake, Ciba, Sam Sun Volume , Aberdeen tube cake / Hongmen bear claws, braised turtle, seaweed soup, pork ribs rice jelly porridge
5 Ching Ming rake / Ants on the tree snail
6 banana salty spicy rice mushrooms vegetable bun / steamed duck Bazhen stewed chicken soup
7 silver butter beans steamed absorb cake / black carp
Tisi chicken steamed sponge cake purse, gold archive silver, lotus seed barley soup, rice hereby Qing Su, steamed red bean cake / meatball soup paste, red bean flame trotter, drunk ribs, a colossal sea cucumber hoof
8 licorice Ru Pa crackers, four treasures sesame porridge / pickled chicken feet, beef with oyster sauce
9 Subway black hair noodles, soup noodles loofah / fish organs lamb,
10 rapture means soup, thousands of crisp snow cake knife / uncommon gastric / green liquid, 1 to 9 animals, human figures
2 smell of meat / red liquid 10 to 19 animals, human figures
3 lacking inner alchemy / monster 20 to 29 animals, blood, human form < br> 4 complete inner alchemy / giant of the hair 30 to 39 beasts, person figures
5 luminous inner alchemy / exotic animal claws 40 and 49, the inner alchemy perfect human form
6 / 50 Dark teeth 59 animals, human figures
7 shiny inner alchemy / brutal 60 to 69 animal blood, not period to inner alchemy humanoid
8 / 70 ~ 79 pieces cure animals, humanoid beasts Dan
9 / 80 to 89 animals a panacea, and humanoid demon
10 Dan / Dan 90 ~ 99 another animals, they reveal the human form
11 Dan / Dan Air 100 to 109 animals, dolls
12 devil elixir / Lu Dan 110 to 119 animals, dolls
Happy Life Skills
1 levels: psychic quote (+15 Aura) = x2 + strange taste Chuanbei gland x2
4 Class: Tai Chi quote (+30 Aura) = Aquilaria x3 + x3
10 complete inner alchemy level: Holy posts (+50 Aura) =
1 level: Bones quote (+15 strength) = x2 + strange Puhuang taste glands x2
4 levels: physical post (+30 strength) = inner alchemy wolfberry x3 + x3
9 full levels: body care posts (+50 strength) =
1 level: smart quote (+ 15 shenfa) = x2 + strange taste Chuanbei gland x2
7 Grade: God line quote (+50 agility) =
1 level: mountains posts (+40 dodge) = x2 + Yuan Hu taste strange gland x2
4 levels: Convective posts (+80 dodge) = complete inner alchemy herb x3 + x3
7 levels: the setting sun post (+120 dodge) =
3 levels: tall winds quote (+30 poison attack) = x3 + Elsholtzia complete inner alchemy x3
7 level: air posts (+50 poison attack) =
2 level: fire, quote (+10 Fire Attack) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5: thunderbolt quote (+30 Fire Attack) = berberine x3 + x3
8 luminous inner alchemy level: Skyfire quote (+30 Fire Attack) =
2 levels: of man posts (+40 hit) = fritillary smell meat x2 + x2
5 levels: in Italian post (+80 kick) = berberine x3 + x3
8 luminous inner alchemy level: God Posts (+120 hit) =
4 levels: filled posts ( Solutions flaws) = x2 + perfect inner alchemy Angelica x2 (binding
6 levels: awake posts (anti-Lost Souls) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3 (binding
beggars life skills
1 级: Hanako ant wine (+15 strength) = x2 + strange bittersweet taste glands x2
4 levels: Hanako centipede wine (+30 Strength) = x3 + sinensis complete inner alchemy x3
8 level: Hanako snake wine ( +50 Strength) =?
1 level: smart wine (+15 agility) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Yan Xing Jiu (+30 agility) = x3 + complete in Lycium Dan x3
7 Grade: God Xingjiu (+50 agility) = berberine x6 + x6
4 shiny inner alchemy level: talkative wine (anti scattered power) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Angelica x3 (binding
4 levels: {awake|awake} wine (anti-vertigo) = x3 + a complete storehouse action nedan x3 (binding
1 level: Yuen pest control wine (+15 mysterious anti-) = Puhuang strange taste glands x2 + x2
3: Anti-Hyun Liquor (+30 mysterious anti-) = x2 + honeysuckle incomplete inner alchemy x3
5 levels: mysterious anti-snake wine (+50 mysterious anti-) = Eucommia x3 + x3
shining inner alchemy 2: Hanako Spider wine (poison bombard +10) = x2 + smell of meat Loquat x2
5 levels: Hanako scorpion wine (+30 poison attack) = berberine inner alchemy x3 + x3
6 light levels: Hanako ice wine (+50 poison attack) = Cyperus x3 + perfect inner alchemy x3
7 Grade: Hanako worm wine (+40 avoid) = Angelica x6 + x6
9 shiny inner alchemy level: Hanako snake wine ( +80 dodge) =?
10 Level: Hanako snake wine (+120 dodge) =?
stars life skills
1 levels: a small blood curse (+251 Life) = x2 + strange bittersweet taste glands x2
3 level: red blood curse (+612 Life) = x2 + incomplete inner alchemy Chuanbei x2
5 levels: Ferricyanide curse (+974 Life) = Eucommia x3 + x3
7 luminous inner alchemy level: thousands of blood curse (+? life) = Angelica x6 + x6
9 shiny inner alchemy level: blood curse million (+? life) =?
2 levels: small spell (+130 infuriating) = x2 + smell of meat Chuanbei x2
4 levels: huge spell (+316 infuriating) = Huang Ling complete inner alchemy x3 + x3
6 levels: to curse (+? infuriating) = wind x3 + perfect inner alchemy x3
8 level: Ghost Curse (+? infuriating) =?
10 levels: daytime spell (+? infuriating) =?
1 level: malaria drugs (+15 Anti-Hyun) = x2 + Yuan Hu taste peculiar gland x2
4 levels: Cold poisoning caused by damp (+30 mysterious anti-) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3
7 Grade: clouds virus (+50 mysterious anti-) = Back to God's inner alchemy shiny grass x6 + x6
2 level: insect poison (poison attack +10) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5 levels: body poison (poison attack +30) = x3 + luminescence Coptis Inner Alchemy x3
8 level: ghost poison (poison attack +50) =?
6 levels: Yan virus (anti-trapped) = x3 + perfect inner alchemy Angelica x3 (binding
4 levels: percentage of virus (anti-winding) = Poria inner alchemy x3 + x3
Mingjiao complete life skills
1 levels: a small combat (+15 strength) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Wolf fireworks ( +30 strength) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy wolfberry x3
10 Level: moaning fire (+50 Strength) =?
1 level: smart fire (+15 agility) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 level: Yan line of fire (+30 agility) = Aquilaria x3 + x3
9 complete inner alchemy level: God the line of fire (+50 agility) =?
1 level: refining fire (+ 15 anti-ice) = x2 + strange taste Chuanbei gland x2
4 levels: red refining fire (+30 anti-ice) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3
7 level: the purifying fire of God (+50 Ice Prevention ) =?
2 levels: Fire (+10 Fire Attack) = x2 + smell of loquat meat x2
5 levels: True Fire (+30 Fire Attack) = x3 + luminous inner alchemy Coptis x3
8 级: Flame (+50 Fire Attack) =?
2 levels: the Fire (+40 hit) = x2 + smell loquat flesh x2
6 levels: day of fire (+80 hit) = berberine inner alchemy x3 x3 + light
8 level: deep fire (+120 hit) =?
3 levels: the warmheartedness of the bombard (solutions stiffness) = x2 + faultless inner alchemy Cyperus rotundus x2 (fastening, non-tradable)
4 levels: Wing Fireworks (anti Sinopec) = warehouse full of inner alchemy surgery x3 + x3
Wudang life skills
1 level: through a panacea (+15 Aura) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Taichi Dan (+30 Aura) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy wolfberry x3
10 Class: Holy Spirit, Dan (+50 Aura) =?
1 level: Zhuanggu Dan (+15 strength) = x2 + strange Puhuang taste glands x2
4 levels: physical Dan (+30 strength) = incense inner alchemy x3 + x3
9 full levels: body care, Dan (+50 strength) =?
1 level: Copper Pidan ( drug prevention +15) = x2 + Yuan Hu taste peculiar gland x2
3 levels: Iron Pi Dan (+30 against poison) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3
7 Grade: keel Dan (+50 against poison) =?
2 levels: Hui Xuan Dan (+10 mysterious attack) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5 levels: Dan Sing Yuen (Yuen attack +30) = berberine x3 + x3
luminous inner alchemy Grade 8: Dan May Yuen (Yuen attack +50) =?
6 levels: Chubing Dan (anti-Haemophilus) = Poria inner alchemy x3 + x3
Tianshan complete life skills
1 level: Bones Crystal (+15 strength) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: physical grain (+30 strength) = Aquilaria x3 + x3
10 complete inner alchemy level: crystal body concern (+50 energy) = shiny inner alchemy Angelica x6 + x6
1 level: intelligent Jing (+15 agility) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Yanxing Jing (+30 agility) = x3 + wolfberry complete inner alchemy x3
7 Grade: God crystal line (+50 agility) = Guixin x6 + x6
1 shiny inner alchemy level: Ci Beijing (+40 dodge) = x2 + strange white British taste gland x2
3 levels: Ganlin Jing (+120 dodge) = x2 + honeysuckle incomplete inner alchemy x2
5 levels: Purdue crystal (+15 Fire Prevention) = Eucommia x3 + x3
luminous inner alchemy 7: Skating crystal (+30 Fire Prevention) = Angelica x6 + x6
9 shiny inner alchemy level: snow ice (+50 Fire Prevention) = Cordyceps x6 + animal Dan x6
2 levels: small ice crystals (+ 15 Ice attack) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5 level: sea ice (ice attack +30) = x3 + light Elsholtzia inner alchemy x3
8 levels: day ice (ice attack +50) = Solanum nigrum Seed x6 + flawless inner alchemy x6
2 levels: seek people Jing (+40 hit) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5 levels: seek material Jing (+80 hit) = berberine inner alchemy x3 x3 + light
8 level: Mi Heart Crystal (+120 hit) = x6 + flawless Solanum seeds inner alchemy x6
4 levels: the more the grain (anti-animal drug) = Eucommia x3 + x3
6 complete inner alchemy Grade: Yuen ice (anti-sealing points) = Guixin x3 + perfect inner alchemy x3 (binding, non-tradable)
6 levels: coagulation drug crystal (solution poisoning) = Cyperus x3 + perfect inner alchemy x3 (binding , non-tradable)
Denon life skills
1 levels: psychic poison (+15 Aura) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 Class: Tai Chi Gu (+30 Aura) = x3 + complete wolfberry inner alchemy x3
10 Class: Holy Spirit insanity (+50 Aura) =?
1 level: Bones insanity (+15 strength) = x2 + strange bittersweet taste glands x2
4 levels: physical insanity (+30 strength) = annoy inner alchemy x3 + x3
9 full levels: body care insanity (+50 strength) =?
1 level: smart insanity (+15 agility) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Yan Xing Gu (+30 agility) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy wolfberry x3
7 Grade: God line insanity (+50 agility) =?
3 levels: dodge poison (+40 dodge) = x2 + incomplete inner alchemy Loquat x2
5 levels: dodge poison (+120 dodge) = berberine inner alchemy x3 + x3
2 emitting level: Eagle Eye insanity (+40 hit) = Loquat smell meat x2 + x2
5 levels: eye in the sky insanity (+80 hit) = x3 + light wind the inner alchemy x3
8 Class: Eye of God insanity (+120 hit) =?
4 levels: an hundred pulse poison (anti was arrested) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3
6 levels: longan insanity (?)=?< br> Shaolin life skills
1 level: strong Relic (+15 Strength) = x2 + Puhuang strange taste glands x2
4 levels: as compel Relic (+30 Strength) = incense inner alchemy x3 + x3
10 full levels: divine relic (+50 Strength) =?
1 level: Bones Relic (+15 strength) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: physical relics (+30 strength) = inner alchemy wolfberry x3 + x3
9 full levels: body care Relic (+50 stamina) =?
1 levels: a small Buddha relic (+15 against poison) = x2 + strange taste Puhuang gland x2
4 levels: Buddha relic (+30 against poison) = x3 + sinensis complete inner alchemy x3
7: Mi Le Sheli (+50 against poison) =?
3 levels: Buddha relic (+40 dodge) = x2 + incomplete inner alchemy Loquat x2
5 levels: Luohansheli (+120 dodge) = Anti Wind light of the inner alchemy x3 + x3
2 levels: the Buddha relic (+10 mysterious attack) = x2 + licorice smell of meat x2
5 levels: large Tuo Relics (+30 mysterious attack) = x3 + luminous inner alchemy Coptis x3
8 level: Fomingsheli (+50 mysterious attack) =?
4 levels: excuse relic (anti Ripper) = complete inner alchemy herb x3 + x3
6 levels: Tathagata relics (?) = ?
6 levels: healing relic (?)=?< br> 6 levels: Fitness relic (?)=?< br> Emei life skills
1 level: Shuijing Fu (+15 anti-ice) = Yuan Hu strange taste glands x2 + x2
4 level: Ice Fu (+30 anti-ice) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy Eucommia x3
10 Level: Xuanbing Fu (+50 ice hindrance) =?
a: to avoid electric destroy (+15 mysterious anti-) = Yuan Hu strange taste glands x2 + x2
4 levels: lightning symbol (+30 mysterious anti-) = x3 + a complete inner alchemy herb x3
9 level: radio worker (+50 mysterious anti-) =?
1 level: to avoid the fire break (+15 Fire Prevention) = loquat taste peculiar gland x2 + x2
4 levels: avoid Yan Fu (+30 Fire Prevention) = complete inner alchemy wind x3 + x3
7 Grade: dodge Yan Fu (+50 Fire Prevention) = x4 + lustrous black nightshade seeds inner alchemy x4
1 level: to avoid the poison symbol (+15 against poison) = licorice taste weird gland x2 + x2
4 levels: to avoid malaria Fu (+30 against poison) = x3 + Elsholtzia complete inner alchemy x3
7 level: to avoid the specter character (+50 against poison) = x4 + shiny Cordyceps inner alchemy x4
2 levels: water cold character (+10 ice attack) = x2 + smell of loquat flesh x2
5 levels: Chill Fu (+30 ice attack) = inner alchemy wind x3 x3 + light
8 level: Tian Han Fu (+50 ice attack) =?
4 levels: bold character (anti terror) = x2 + Poria complete inner alchemy x2
6 level: waves break (anti-setting body) = Guixin x3 + perfect inner alchemy x3 (binding, non-tradable)
primary grain:
wheat (planted skill level 1), rice (planting skills 2 grade), corn (planting skills 3)
pepper (associated with a food), mint (edible associated with grade 2), pepper (edible associated 3)
basic debris (basic ingredient):
1-3 Fish Name: grass carp, black carp, crucian carp, swordfish, carp, settle fish associated
1-3 级: Clam, seaweed, shrimp
1-3 级 Meat: Fresh meat, tender meat, meat
intermediate grain before the elbow:
peanut (planting skills 4), sweet potato (plant skill level 5), sorghum (planted skills 6)
octagonal (food associated 4) , lettuce (food associated 5), garlic (food associated with 6)
intermediate debris (intermediate ingredients):
4-6 级 fish: butterfish, smooth fish, eel, fish oil power , blackfish, saury
4-6 class fish associated with: lobster, mud crab, clams
4-6 grade meat: the meat later the shoulder, the first thigh, hind leg
senior grains: < br> sesame seeds (planting skills, 7), mung bean (planting skills 8), soybean (planting skills 9)
beans (planted skill level 10), potatoes (grown skills 11), taro (plant skills 12 )
mustard (food associated with 7), turmeric (food associated with 8), green (food associated 9)
fennel (food associated with 10), Senior debris (progressive ingredients):
7 above the level of fish: fighting fish, barracuda, pomfret, light back fish, whitebait, hook fish, salmon, put fin fish, bone fish, tongue, jewelry fish, six-fish, fish, amphioxus
7 on related with: mussels, shrimp, Clam, mussel, crab, frog,interesting. namely no entirely correct, jade crab meat
7 above: side shares the meat, fillet, white bars meat, fat, palatable meat, meat food

a grain: petrol green bean cake
a debris: pork mushrooms lettuce floss
a random grain: rice periodical cake, peanut dumplings, red beans with rice, nuts, dried bean curd, a product porridge
a Random debris: Sixi balls, peppery and acid fish, fish-flavored eggplant cakes,toronto escort, wine, steamed
two cereals: Grilled corn Zhima Bing
secondary debris: Sweet and sour pork sauce beef
three cereal : oil fried gluten
three debris Kam color: deep-fried yellow croaker
three Beggar Chicken Recipe: Pumpkin salty rice (Aura 20 / 2 mint rice, 2) Yang Chunmian (power 20 / wheat pepper) Red beans bergamot (physical 20 / corn pepper)
prunes rice (shenfa 20 / wheat pepper) chicken fat pancakes (anyone, 20 / rice, mint)
kelp beef soup (external work 100) fried fish (internal strength of 100 / 2 primary ingredients seaweed 2) fungus pork (Exterior 100) BBQ Rice Bowl (the anti-100) [associated to fishing, to which to give up]
four grains: sweet potato cake, almond cakes
four Class debris: Guan Tang fish sauce parcels
four cereals were: Cookies, Yeer rake, Ciba, Sam Sun volume, tube cake
four debris haphazard Aberdeen: Hongmen bear claws, braised turtles, seaweed soup, pork ribs soup
five grains: rice cake rake
5 debris Ching Ming: Ants ashore the Tree spicy snail
six grains: rice mushrooms vegetable bun banana
six salt debris: steamed chicken
6 duck stew recipes Bazhen: Melaleuca steamed sponge cake (spiritual power 40 / 2 lettuce, sweet potato 2) bacteria sub-surface (power 40 / peanut octagonal) cream pancake (shenfa 40 / peanut octagonal )
Acacia red bean porridge (anyone, 40 / sweet potato, lettuce) candied sweet potato (physical 40 / sweet potato lettuce)
simmer grilled salmon (external work 200 / 3 intermediate ingredients lobster 3) Sichuan pork (internal strength of 200 / Intermediate Youth ingredients crab) Bowl sub-wing (appearance the anti-200) salt meat (the anti-200 / intermediate ingredients lobster) [associated to this need to give up]
seven grains: beans Butter Cake by
seven silver piece of debris : black chicken soup purse carp
seven grains were: Tisi steamed sponge cake, gold package silver, lotus seed barley soup, rice hereby Qing Su, steamed red bean cake
seven random debris: meatball soup paste, red bean burn trotter, drunk ribs, grilled sea cucumber hoof
eight major grains: Licorice Ru rice crackers, sesame porridge
eight debris four treasures: pickled chicken feet, beef with oyster sauce
nine grains: Subway black hair surface , loofah noodle soup
nine debris: fish apparatuses lamb,
9 recipes: teal lungs soup (power 80 / 6 sesame mustard 6) Walnut Chicken (Aura 80 / bean ginger) Garlic pieces of pearly meat (physical 80 / green beans) Sansho drunk fowl wings (shenfa 80 / bean fennel) butter turntable fish (anybody, 80)
spicy duck gizzards (external work 400) slide chicken mushrooms (interior strength 400) Jade double winter shoes (Exterior 400) salamanders steamed grass carp (the anti-400) [to the associated estimated fishing are fishing fewer than a month, give up, yet unfortunately]
ten grains: ecstasy means soup, thousands of crisp snow cake knife
ten debris:
a Drug:
a random drugs: eye in the sky Dan (Yuen attack 10) Ice Ling San (poison attack 10) King Pill (Fire Attack 10) lunar month bulk (ice attack 10)
three drugs: a pure heart San
three formulations: Dan thousand feet (Yuen attack 20 / 2 Honeysuckle 2 Spider loquat 4) Perak powder (fire attack 20 / 2 Honeysuckle 2 licorice spiders 4) spring grain majority (ice attack 20 / 2 loquat 2 licorice spiders 4) return Pill (poison attack 20 / 2 Honeysuckle 2 licorice spiders 4)
four drugs:
four random drugs lotion clouds: light-weight powder (Yuen attack 15) Aralia San (poison attack 15) Hok Yu Dan (Fire Attack 15) days balm (ice attack 15)
five drugs: back Pill
six drugs: God will pill
six formula: Ice Dragon Dan (ice attack 30) shells San (Yuen attack 30) Gold Lei Wan (Fire Attack 30) altitude five hash (poison attack 30)
7 drugs: panacea Hui seven months
random drugs: panacea Cai River (poison attack 25) elixir broken sparse (ice attack 25) elixir explicit scales (Fire Attack 25) elixir unknown (mysterious attack 25) < br> eight drugs: the elixir of yin and yang
nine recipe: elixir of ice Lan () elixir of malign () elixir Yuen Yan () elixir of Feng Zhu ()
story cycle tasks
Task Level: 20 story wheel tasks:
story circulating the story missions task is carried out into the open after a certain stage of the task.
players by completing article tasks, to some of the the heroes who establish relationships, open fable recycling tasks. The story circulating via the completion of the task, tin improve the relationship among merits ​​and heroes.
players can only receive in the meantime a hero of the story cycle tasks.
story cycle tasks to be completed up to 50 rings per day.
task classification:
Mu Wanqing mm mandate Posted by: Mu Wanqing (Dali City [106,toronto escort,135])
messenger to messenger mm help Muwan Qing Dali public. < br> to find things to help Mu Wanqing mm find socketed items, herbs and other items.
Shaguai mm to help Mu Wanqing kill monsters, get her to produce the materials needed Poison Xiujian.
Chung Ling mm task publisher : Chung Ling (Wuliangshan [205,168])
messenger mm Chung Ling and another to help the people of Dali.
Chung Ling looking for help to find things mm herbs, medicines and other items.
Shaguai mm Chung Ling to help kill the monster, get her mink preference speedy snake.
Duan Yanqing mm order Posted by: Duan Yanqing (Dali City [215,284])
help Duan Yanqing messenger messenger mm to the public and the rivers and lakes in Dali's hero.
Duan Yanqing seeing for help to find things mm herb medicine refining materials, medicines, herbs and additional items associated.
Shaguai mm help Duan Yanqing slay monsters to acquire might be competent to prove his personality, the relentless shreds of imperial relics.
Duan Yu mm task Posted: Duan Zhengchun (Dali City [62,35])
Duan Yu messenger help messenger mm to Dali royalty, noted monk, Mingru, noted Road, Gusumurong family and other characters.
material mm find Duan Yu to help find herbs, medicines and other items.
Shaguai mm Duan Yu to help kill the monster, to obtain Buddhist scriptures residues pages, said pages by the weakened, Confucianism, and other items by the residual sheet.
Arjuna mm mandate issued by: Nguyen Star Bamboo (Mirror Lake [108,140])
messenger postman mm apt assist Arjuna to Suzhou inhabitants and agreeable cooking instructor.
material mm find help Arjuna find food materials, food, food recipes and other items.
kill mm to help Arjuna to kill the strange monster, be cornering the materials, special food and other items.
task publisher Abi Abi mm (Suzhou [128,74])
messenger mm Abi different to help the people of Suzhou and good cooking teacher.
Abi looking for help to find things mm fish, aquatic products, factories, cooking materials and other items.
Shaguai mm Abi help kill monsters, get special food and other items.
Wang Yuyan mm mandate Posted by: Mrs. Wang (Suzhou [94,177])
mm messenger help messenger to the world of Wang Yuyan cause, the royal family, who find Dali Duan mm material to help find a variety of flowers Wang Yuyan.
Shaguai mm to help Wang Yuyan kill monsters, get a cloud of heretical sects of martial arts mysteries.
Xiao Feng mm task Posted: Yelvdashi (Luoyang [118,62])
Xiao Feng messenger help messenger mm disciples to the beggars, Arjuna's relatives, the secret life experience to know the characters Xiao Feng.
Xiao Feng questing help to find things mm ore, ore and other associated items.
Shaguai mm to help Sao Feng to kill monsters, get a heap of wine.
[periodically ambition you to look for associated minerals, are minerals to the fourth, the file to watch the front]
Azi mm mandate Posted by: Azi (Luoyang [59,83])
help Azi messenger to messenger mm stars bring disciples, three metropolis dwellers and others.
find things to help Azi looking for Jane mm beast, associated herbs.
Shaguai mm help Azi kill monsters, testing the results of her scary poison or way to characteristic worm, alternatively retaliation as the disrespect they Azi.
Murong Fu mm task Posted: Murong Fu (Suzhou [129,76])
mm messenger help messenger to the three major cities Murong Fu officials, rivers and lakes hero and other characters.
material mm find materials to help Murong Fu looking for weapons, equipment, production materials and other items.
Shaguai mm to help kill the monster Murong Fu, Yan regain lost big secret items. < br> Ye Erniang mm mandate published by: Ye Erniang (Dali [54,265])
Ye Erniang messenger help messenger mm to Tianshan Pai Shaolin School, Happy to send his disciples, such as the wild-dong chief island cardinal characters.
find things to help Ye Erniang mm find drugs, herbs and other items.
Shaguai mm to help Ye Erniang kill monsters in array to penalize them for their damage and break to the Shaolin Temple abbot prestige Xuanci action.
Jiu Mozhi mm Task Posted by: Jiu Mozhi (Dunhuang [62,98])
Jiu Mozhi messenger help messenger mm to Dragon School, Shaolin disciples, Tibet, the Song dynasty, Xia officials.
ascertain materials to help Dove mm Mount sagacity to detect items such as handicraft making of matters.
Shaguai mm Jiu Mozhi help kill the monster, to stop them to the Western Xia States and were like the prince consort prince fight.
Princess mm Yinchuan task Posted: Heliantieshu ( Luoyang [113,63])
Princess messenger messenger mm to creeks and lakes to help pupils in Yinchuan.
material mm find the princess to help find weapons of Yinchuan formula, formula and other items and equipment.
Shaguai mm princess to help kill the monster in Yinchuan to recover the lost dowry.
Mu Wanqing martial arts experience: a strong mushroom in outer work
Zhongling Wu Defense Science experience: anyone, anyone, to increase
Duan Yanqing martial arts experience: physical strength increased
Duan Yu Wu school experience: dodge dodge increase
Arjuna martial experience: flame fire attack that increases
Abi martial experience: forgetting to increase internal strength
Wang Yuyan ward martial experience: mastermind aura increase
Xiaofeng Wu school experience: the power aptitude to increase
A Ziwu school experience: highly noxious poison attack that increases
Murong Fu martial arts experience: increased agility agility
Xu Zhu martial experience: knowing vital force attack that increases
Jiu Mozhi school experience: magical mysterious attack that increases
Yinchuan Princess martial experience: Ice Ice attacks by
[martial arts immediately only open Arjuna experience: flame fire attack that increases
Xiaofeng Wu school experience: the power to increase strength
Mu Wanqing martial arts experience: a strong increase in external work
defensive three tasks]
thank the editor Citie comrades 【】

revealing the infinite grief

>---- world's most notable graveyard one of the 10 built in 1822
the loveliness and quiet of the smart architectures and the rich history of Argentina
famous resting place
wide road alternatively the intricate interweaving tracks
from the pyramids of Egypt to the Gothic-style statues of assorted styles lined aboard either sides of his brain is cozy to discern
needle the same as the crypt of the small chamber as the maintenance of washing tools are
on altitude of the coffin sprang at times

at you a few fat cats br> A team of different people in the quiet rind touch the mausoleum wall, revealing the infinite pain
entered, this is what we know to look in
No. 57 Rose cemetery
Argentina - Ai Weita. Evita (Maria Eva Duarte de Peron) resting place
July 26 every annual will be out of the house
a kind of ways to celebrate a deceased matron in 50 years
20 century's most legendary 1st lady Evita mm. Veron
---- possibly you are not versed with definite hardly ever, yet you understand Andrew. Lloyd . Weber
to the interpretation of the melody with the marrow of the song: interpretation of life
Madonna When suffering from bullying peers and obtain a laugh
15-year-old senihardly evercialite, 27-year-old became the first lady Evita

the short period of 33 records embodied also many delights and sorrows, ups and downs
Ai Weita partition of the most famous speech: not the case,likewise known for Yang . Plant Taxonomy Salicaceae Populus above the chapter of the current catego, how could he fallen in adore with me?! the distance of one mind. the tower is full of prejudice
rich known as the Veron center
days in prison, Evita did her best speech
publicity throughout the nation, for public support for the Juan Sebastian Veron's words touched
Evita Argentina in the civil
led and influenced by her lusty support of the people bring offthe country of Argentina
*** demonstrations broke out, Juan Sebastian Veron to be free!
1946 年 Veron became premier of Argentina, tens of thousands of people, such as torrent Chung by the presidential castle to celebrate in front of
Veron and the > Behind the thunderous cheers, Evita tranquilize hanging on her husband's arm, said:
Long and the folk closer to the distance of one mind. the Idol, for the savior of the meager
her a lot of people in the portrait of Evita and Jesus side by side on the walls
favor to get more advocate forces
Evita opens with her charm
Foreign Affairs of Argentina began a junket to Europe a new situation Argentina, in mattress for entire women to safe their right to vote
1952 年 7 26, Argentina's national radio announced the newspaper of Evita left seventy million people
condolences to Evita's coffin, it was cry fainted as yet, but was hit and annihilated at squeezing
to grieve her departure, the government declared a citizen mourning,toronto escort, La Plata metropolis changed its appoint apt Evita. Veron City
1955,toronto escorts, the Juan Sebastian Veron regime was overturned
each daytime there are still many missed
given to people from around the globe are preoccupied to her grave
for her flowers
Perhaps, this is the myth of Evita
light off of a never A miracle

Peng Fei

The third playoff game, the Shanghai team lore Parker suffered final moment, losing in the home at the same time moved to the scarp to his jaws. Lost the mate point, the Shanghai team has been no rotating behind, whether this season would also favor to beyond then, the two sides of the fourth game is leap to win. above a fans riot after the game is also based on the intense tournament to join a lot of explosive. Beijing April 11, Shanghai and Guangdong, the fourth playoff Field Sports in Shanghai Pudong source of deep staged, long before the stamps were looting a space also indicates namely it was a pivotal game. is a mighty team in Guangdong, Shanghai, or exposed the tender side in front in the audience were backward circumstance, eventually lost by 75 by home than the 103, but unfortunately the end of the excursion of the season.
feel the cold half scoring the opening lows
appear extra cautious afterward the two sides, either teams were no successful the 1st two bombards and return. teenager Cai Liang collar a infrequent arrival in the playoffs chance,arsenal of the cabinet by family generally do no have doors, the premier partition scored 6 points. Liu Wei is likewise one anti-last game of the ebb, the first partition scored 7 points to assist the Shanghai team score by 23 to 26 critical . sub-section is entirely into the incubus of the Shanghai team. to restrict the altitude of every additional, Cai Hua Germany likewise come in a shine, Peng Fei, and Seiler's two-guard with a alignment, though the mean height of the field increased, but Shanghai team has consistently lost the speed and three-pointers,toronto escorts, in counting to Du Feng Tsai Liang gave a long opening exciting blocks in idea, the Shanghai team in the second quarter, nearly no sunny specks, the game was firmly in control of Guangdong. Section II of the Shanghai team merely 13 points the team's meager performance makes them more than 53 big halftime deficit to 36.
Liu gotta play
Parker in a reluctantly foregone conclusion by the Shanghai team in the competition for the Saylor pressure ankle injury in a ferocious competition to become a small incident, but then he go into battle repeatedly. second half, Liu became 1 of the performance time, a face of Harrison's 3 +1 comeback Shanghai team sounded the clarion call, and then The Shanghai team governor and lead by instance and then hit two successive three-pointers, the Shanghai team also was close enough to arrest only a slender score 5 points, see the go-ahead hope. only as the maximum powerful in recent annuals, Guangdong CBA team did not re- as the first three games as the team plenty opportunity to depart Shanghai, Zhou Peng Parker sharp crash and a jumper almost completely the decease sentence of the Shanghai team. fourth game, the Shanghai team seems to have been uninterested, plucked speedily points difference open to more than 20 points. In the end the Shanghai team home vanquish by a large margin of 75 in Guangdong than 103, Final Four's emphatic completions to the end of the journey of the season.
as the biggest black nag of the season, the Shanghai team has been the folk enough esteem last season from the season's semi-final second transformation prices,shanghai escort, who tin say they have completed a task almost impossible. Shanghai home sounded the naturally the best performance this season. This season, we see the enthusiasm of the fans returning to see the alterations the team a current look. Over the elapse few seasons, have become accustomed to failure of the Shanghai basket ball tickets how there had been looting the home team an empty scene. Now the Shanghai basketball has failed completely, and mention farewell, Yao Ming left reaching different golden age. If the team along to the present trend, the fans mouth's clause, distant behind.

coercing the Ground in had moved westward. Baoqing war

Shen sealed for a thousand years of history --- the ancient capital of Yang Yang Beach
Beach. A living city, a dusty, ancient capital of thousand years of history. Dressed in Yongsan foothills, Sun Sea water, overflowing with the Hunan region of inspiring easy, great publicity in the tragic and the magic of Hunan, the breaches in the history and reality, Mongolia yarn standing. cursory Yang Beach city, as whether into a chalk picture of life in the Ming and Qing marketplace, people walked into the fable of the legendary Yang Beach Long Menzhen in hhfficeffice in the Ming and Qing. It was Xiangxiang, Shaoyang, security of the main traffic coalition of the special status, very fashionable, . State won the county, swept north and south, and soon occupied the half, a heavy beat to the Qing reign potentates. To retention the court of the critical situation, the Qing government appointed home for granted in his home town (now the town of Twin Peaks lotus leaf) make arrangements for the army, recruiting, the fight against the Taiping. Yang Beach less than a hundred miles away from the Heyetang, many of the young savant with a native to go join the army. defected to Zeng below the command of tribe, their lives for the service of the Qing government's final legs, they follow the ride Zeng battle, Civil war, by virtue of their extraordinary talent and extraordinary spunk set an illustrious feats, so the emergence of a large number of Li added to the bridge Bin, Lee should continue to Lee will represent the Yang Beach Liuteng Hong, Liu Lianjie, Liu Liu Yuezhao will be represented. promoted to high places, of which only load the , Liuteng He, Liu Yue Xin, Zhou W et al. The civil and military officials, after homecoming, home repair Di, and periodically Yang Beach, the pond is connected within the elegance, comfort for the spectacular. from Yang Beach Sun Sheng Mei Qiaoshun the crooked down of water old Liu, Dehou Hall, Cunyang Church, Church of thick deposits, Guangyuan Hall, Peilan Tang, Shi Sin Tong Benevolent Society, cloud Kwai Tong and asleep together, Bao Tong, etc. to buildings such as coiling sculptures, magnificent. Inspired Guangliu quartzite Road, came to the main room of these ancient mottled old homes, like walking into a phase of armored cavalry in history, a star blowing a fresh Hunan.
reputed Quartet ; doctor first Liu Yang Beach old Liu is the ancestral home of the land, was built in Kangxi forty years (AD 1708), partitioning into phases, lasted for nearly a hundred years, fifty-six years to the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1791 AD) completed , covering two to three mu. main room facing south, before airing Lianshui East, the Far standing confrontation with Yongsan, city center recovery after avenue, surrounded by a tall wall around the period for the system architecture structure. large-scale, construction area of ​​over 30,000 square meters. the Glory Church, happy together, 6 other Church School Church composed of Kyrgyzstan, there are hundreds of houses, inhabited by the Lau family more than a hundred families. old Liu is known to numerous in the courtyard World, said the original 108 yard, now 48 remaining. mini about thirty-five square meters, up to more than one hundred square meters large. the old building technological and rational Liu, criss-cross the corridor to the Church School attach, the rain does not watery shoes, sun sunny scared, very convenient. late Qing Dynasty, the Liu family has Liuyue Zhao, Liu Lianjie, Liu Tenghong promoted to high places, and many old Liu is more prosperous, expanding. Now the old main hall Liu also Tongzhi emperor presented the plaque hanging in the ? m1857) word Zhi Heng, Hunan Xiangxiang people, the Qing Dynasty generals. less reading, is not met, service among JIA battlefield. Xianfeng three years, the Bells Xiangjiang River, the case of collapse of dozens of death row sweep generation, elicited to Xiangtan, pearly magistrate The arrest by the renowned.
Hunan he created one of the early important generals. Xianfeng three years (1853), when he was 34-year-old Liu Tenghong to combine the Army, embarked on the cruise. in his influence, Several of his Zudi Liuyue Zhao, Liu Lianjie, also have hurl the military. Xianfeng four years, the Taiping expedition Expedition, Hunan, Hubei, fussy situation, Liu Tenghong war Yuezhou, Xiangtan and other places, and even gram Puqi, Xianning, Wuchang, heroic , and fail to establish military exploits. Lo Tse-nan is very appreciated, to close his disciples, Gordon said after his troops camp, the word tree, the black banner of Liu.
Xianfeng July, Rui Liu Tenghong led his army to bombard the state northwardly of the city. He individually supervised the operation, Unfortunately the pistol. to boost spirit on the second daytime, he strangled back ache, wounding administer operations to the state in Sweden is almost to take, when suddenly a shell coming, Teng Hung died in the gun. dying, Crane and his brother, Lian Jie Teng said: sense of the heroic, give-shirt Code of Canada, according to aisle membership cases detail funerals and solace to ride entire the earth level, the state created in the Swiss Temple Memorial post. Liuteng Hong death, his brother Liuteng He took directive of the army, to regain the Three Gorges, tackled Ji. Xianfeng nine situation in Zhejiang Jiande Ridge battle, Teng Cape single, circled by the Taiping, the heroic died, only twenty-eight years old. Liuteng He died, the emperor gave shirts to channel member cases, both riding comfort to the earth class, with worship by the Temple brother David Tang. Liuteng Hong brothers brave soldier, took the lead, though the untimely death, but create a lot of feats, worthwhile of a hero of namely epoch.
magnificent mansion Liu Yuezhao Brothers: fficeffice sites. History of Qing Dynasty in mind: use. Kai Jiang appliance of their talent, receive results afterward the camp. seven Pozei Brother Ying Ling Gao An even pull Pang Ka Tsuen thieves lair. offensive Riverside, blow assistance thieves in the Pacific Market. Search grams Riverside Tainan, pull sub-prefect . pavilions, rock garden, and seamless main room, the scenery special charm. Cunyang beautifully decorated hall, in front of the lions, majestic, from the halls sculpture, imaginary, gold plaque, door Ying couplet, forever highlight the owner's distinguished personality Young City has been understood to cost the first house.
Cunyang next to the Church not far from the house there is a large scale, imposing style, were kept thick Church, is the younger brother of Liu Yuezhao who rose to the position of lieutenant, Liu Yue Jun mansion. Church was founded in memories of thick Tongzhi years, lasted for several years had equitable completed, is the most beautiful and magnificent Yang Beach's main room of existing buildings. It covers an area of ​​more than twenty thousand square meters, cavity facing south, overlooking the Sun River, back Chushan , the right front of the house has orchards, ponds, stone steps in front of the main entry, on one level, on a platform and a width of 40 meters, nearly 200 meters long, into stone by the article, the main entrance of the door border carved with lions, the threshold sculptured on auspicious birds, all of which contain the noble owner, when the extravagant style can still be seen.
thick deposits east of the Guangyuan Church Hall, is the younger brother of the Constitution Liuyue Zhao Yue Xin Liu built by the medic. Guangyuan Hall 4 into 3 horizontal construction, covers an area of ​​over 10,000 square meters, in front of the pond, there are wells west, after the two fortresses, Guangyuan Church unique design, decorated halls ancient natural, carved stone very nice . the liberation war, Nie Shaoliang rate this into the guerrilla separation in chief Hunan Yang Beach, more than their homes are destroyed, but also the basic honesty of the overall construction.
Liuyue Zhao, word obedient minister, is the momentous representatives of the late Hunan. Xianfeng four years, the young volunteers of the Yuezhaotouxiao Army, his four brothers, Jun Liu Yue, Liu Yue Xin, too with his legion. presently Liu brothers in the military reveals a noteworthy talent. Xianfeng 9 years, Pacific Hunan Yi Wang Ground in the military aggressive, Baoqing (now Shaoyang) in an emergency, Liu Yuezhao heavily on the willow house in Bridge, blocking the road east Taiping. Ground in bringing 60,000 military forces tempested the house bridge Liu, Yue Zhao muster people to fight with them 3 Day, keep this major strategic point, coercing the Ground in had migrated westward. Baoqing campaign, Liu Yuezhao honor the maximum, famous in an fell pounce, a sapient and brave the famous Hunan. Yuezhaoguyong Batu Lu Qing gave the caption Canadian provincial judge heading. Xianfeng 11 years, Liu Yuezhao Department of Sichuan and the Ground in Xuan-en, Fu state, Changning and other areas work to combat, were to triumph,toronto escort, the Syrian state Ssangyong combat, Yue Zhao cooperated with the military headquarters set fire to Taiping, Taiping wastage 2 million people, power has been seriously weakened, and ultimately vanquish Ground in the Dadu River. Sichuan pacification, Liu Yuezhao significant military exploits, reputed Southwest. Tongzhi years (1863), Yue Zhao l Yunnan provincial judge, lieutenant-governor Tongzhi shook three years, five-chih pluck the ruler of Yunnan, Tongzhi seven years because the Yunnan-Guizhou Yue Zhao Qing government appointed the Governor of a siteline province official. too pride, horses neighing, Liu Yuezhao Jubing put down a sequence of ethnic minorities in Guizhou and Yunnan forces, such as Beijing Tongzhi Dizhaoyuezhao spectators, award yellow jacket, Yue Jun and managerial commissioner title, the other brother Christopher also promoted allowed, the Lau home are full of delight, to become the 1st mayor Yang Beach. Liuyue Zhao brothers guided the throne to return home winning edict Yi Jin, Housing decorated home, decorated, and extra magnificent. divide ways civil and military officials, came to congratulate the country gentry. Liu feast the Wind, Daqing and a half months is a major accident in the metropolis since the age Young people also constantly to people talk in the grand year.
Liu Lianjie and Dehou Church, Sin Division, cloud Kwai Tong. fficeffice : Hongyuan Jiang West, war Swiss state, the gun die Teng Hong, Lian Jie rate his crews encircle, pulling it. Tseng Kuo-fan of the cumbersome civil suggested changes to make use of the judge to stay in Jiangxi. from Zengguo Quan Ke Jian, pull sub-prefect, to assist destroy in Anhui, ten years, Victory Station at the pond, pull prefect. Jixian off by the attack of Anqing, a bandit broke alms. eleven years, multiple broken off aid thieves in Mandarin, Amor celebrate, pull out road employees , thanks to Yong Ba Tulu fruit digit Young Hero, Liu Lianjie soon come to the fore in the army, showing amazing military talent. In the Swiss state of war, Liu Tenghong slew in the gun, he and Liuteng He led his crews bravely rush onward and attack Crane chow. these were in the war young teenager growing up, Zeng appreciated a plus, not only for its appoint alteration personally Lian Jie, Zeng Guoquan will straight descendant of the guitar he transferred to the word affair, entrusted with the mission, led troops thousands, No. Lian Jie camp. Xianfeng seven years, Lian Jie Ji vanquish with Zeng Guoquan to power promoted to prefect. Xianfeng ten-year, Lian Jie defeated Taiping Station in the pond, was promoted to prefect. Xianfeng eleven years, Lian Jie in association with other troops in one fell swoop Hunan occupy Anqing, promoted to road employees, thanks to Yong Ba Tulu fruit digit. fewer than thirties Lian Jie, is the youngest commons in Hunan. young generals, high-spirited, blade within the signification of victory to victory. Tongzhi first year, Lian Jie led his army south, all the access to vanquish the nest County, Pacific House, Kim Joo-off, Wuhu, etc, with irresistible force, advancing the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Jiangning (now Nanjing). Tongzhi summer for three years, the rate of force will attack Nanjing Zeng, Lian Jie and Zhujiang machination, open dig, approached Nanking, the Taiping monarchy of heaven has finally failed. Qing reward, Lian Jie Gong in third, to the Officers in nameless sealed Dingdai first production, to Jidou Wei Shi level, when old of thirty years old. Lian Jie wunderkind, the maximum in Need, a time for the elephants. as a rising star,and created a digit of miracles, thinks highly of Lian Jie is the most trusted commons, Zeng, Hunan Caesar, who remain stationed Lian Jie Tong Cheng, Garrison after Jian, Jiangxi and other places. Taiping in an attack on remnants of the battle, Lian Jie ache another. Zeng cherish agreeable will, petitioned the emperor to quasi-Lian Jie dispose of injuries to go home. Lian Jie years at home recuperating , and leisure at home Zuxiong Liuyue Zhao Fu very close contacts. They Free Talk about the world affairs, recollections war years. Lian Jie and used the asset amassed during the war, Yang Beach massive construction projects in his hometown. The house took several years, had just completed, whichever is Name Dehou Church.
Dehou old chapel situated in Changsha Baoqing the Official Road next to the housing blocks south, is 4 5 horizontal integration into the architecture, covers an area of ​​over 30,000 square meters, in front of ten three-step stone stairway, Italy explains the averaging of the emperor Conferring the Wild Bunch. groove edicts plaque on the door Most buildings devastated church collapsed, but the main hall and the concubine also, from the halls of the dragon-shaped ridge on the carving and painting is still very beautiful, they witnessed the glorious elapse Dehou Church. Later, Liu Lianjie son and his brother worked in Sun River water and Peilan Tang Sin built the division, two houses are large scale, imposing radiance, Yang Beach is famous buildings, but was converted during the war Peilan Tang Shanghai Jiaotong University's Tangshan Institute of Education homes, liberation and Lianyuan converted into the present three, the incipient building faded, merely manner remains the same division is still Sin.
division into four courtyards Sin, covering over 20,000 square meters. Block, south, house mouth in front of a pond, pond coast segment from the all-stone into the pond 10 meters south to Sun River, rill terminals and a devoted private wells. west of the main room, garden, east of a small pond, after Chushan, lush. Sin entered the division, beautifully decorated halls, richly ornamented, beautiful and ancient wooden doors and windows, attic carving lifelike. if it is fighting on the building, arc, Ang, Liang, QT, bracket or section board, or furniture design and manufacturing process embody a strong local specifics. loft plank in the main hall, there is Eight Immortals, King Wen's visit to Xian, Peach Garden, and other relief engraved. or temperament story, or birds, of fish, carving the fine, people wow. Science Teacher charities layout, exquisite technology, the entire building fraught with small town southern charm of ancient cultures.
cloud near the division Kwai Tong Sin Tong Benevolent Society, the Liu Lianjie the relatives, the local owners Pengsheng An created along the noted, namely the Yang the best preserved of the chief room beach compound. Yang flat ridge aboard the shore, clouds TONG up to 180 meters in launch walls stand high, great. the main room of a great reservoir in front of a mouth, fragrant flowers every summer, drench into the depths , human relaxed and merry. clouds TONG into 5 horizontal to 4 structures, covers one space of ​​nearly 4 million square meters. halls open and sunny, reasonable chart. length of 10 meters, almost measure long lobby housing is very spectacular. either sides of the main lobby are rooms, penthouse, mixed housing. clouds TONG ancient natural elaboration, loft, wood walls, windows and other flowers is very beautiful, is a typical southern residential compound construction.
week world wide mansion. Returned big mansion. Yang Beach from the hub of two kilometers west of the Village is a two-week world wide and Returned large mansion, which took uama first two brick walls, cornices Alice wall, carved beams of the building is still preserved Ming and Qing dynasties more complete. week the government had lived a creation crew, only about twenty people now live there, and Li Po for House, also known as Church, building intact, which is home to the descendants of Lee.
Week wide World (? m1887) words thick rapid, Hunan Xiangxiang people, the Qing Dynasty generals. Xianfeng the starting, from Hunan, Li Bin Li persisted his subordinates. Chenglingji war, garden, Banbi Hill, there are power, pull out thousands of the aggregate. from the assistance of Jiangxi, attack warmhearted believed, war Wushishan, wide world out of sudden the left array, the first for the armies, rehabilitation of their city, pull out the fort. Pozei Yi Ning, pull out all the Division. back to the aid of Wuhan, battle through the city, Chi chop the World Wide Horse Thief III captured seven, in mandate to make use of guerrilla war. Wuchang from the attack, six years, Li persisted surveillance binary out at night thieves,  the twice Fengshan, sudden war, the world wide hit the across toe Raoshan potential, thieves defeated Ben; and olecranon war by guns injury, false return. exhausted and Senate will be successful pull, give flowers Ling.
roam the city in this genuine house, the staying relics of historical relics in this room, treading on the flat tile quartzite Road, touch a mottled pink walls stripped, I appear to hear to the ancient city where the pulse of these buildings, insight out of these houses the psyche of the city, then the ascend of Hunan mores, the mushroom of Hunan culture.
time goes by , lost time is not. Yang Beach, the history of Hunan generals gradually forgotten by the world, but the church remaining in hospital but is still standing water in Sun River, tells the fable of a century. sundown, standing trees hanging over Mei Lin's winning bridge overlooking the water from the sauntering stacking Sun Yongsan slowly come through the town. on both sides of willow Ana scene in drifting rice flower scent, more that the first brick wall flower uama ,toronto escorts, Alice wall cornices, carved beams in the old house compound still stand tall, chromatic outlooks describing hearted. These old buildings are a precious heritage of predecessors, which not only reflects the architectural style of an era and form, but also reflect local customs. The owners of these buildings built, for the times bring, with their talents and wisdom to jot to the ups and downs of the modern history of a dang Diego. The Church School is the witness of history, is fresh living fossils.
Ming Yang Beach House group of buildings, settling a deep person history, now with its matchless magnetism to attract people's care. Yang Beach to defend the ancient buildings of great significance, without delay. I believe In the near future, Yang Beach House Hunan star cluster will gradually resume its historical and majestic, to the world rebuild its sometime reputation.
sails past the best, flashy in the cloud. brightness overflowing city, brisk and warm. and the Millennium Before, there ought be a time like this, those same texture of the sun to warm the same way, bright in this refreshment of brewing in the ancient world, light will recover Yang Beach young. At that moment, I seem to see the future Yang Beach, brushed the dust like a jewelry, shiny hh
more than a century afterward, in the history of the vicissitudes of wind and rain, kept raising torn down and rebuilt after the liberation Tong Yang Beach became the granaries, the scenery is not again, people can not help but sighed with regret, fortunately is kept thick and Guangyuan Church Church still stands in the Sun River water, but also had the brilliant people feel old.
Admiral Zhou Hunan government broad panoramic

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spring revitalization of entire entities, the golden season of tourism began hh. The globe is shrieking the green, the person craving for the green. As a character of life, the green, now more than ever, even more precious, respect.
Golden Week tourism tip load of nature are constantly scarred for 7 days: a lot of abuse to ecologically crisp places, people peregrination a lot of carbon dioxide emissions, exacerbating universal warming.
China Travel industry namely the quick evolution of China's inbound tourism in 2006 125 million people, 1.39 billion domestic tourism trips, 34.5 million outbound trips. to 2020, China will chance the world's highest digit of inbound and outbound tourism in the nation.
Tourists additional, so that nature is in danger. mountains in southwest China, the amplify in tourists has been a lot of poaching of wild animals and consumption, final year's restaurants, are sold to tourists in illegal wildlife products.
in many nature reserves, anti-poaching and unlawful collection of wildlife treatment and protection of brutal factories have also been the work of the shock of tourism development, increasing the hardship.
how we act can be green Golden Week, to reduce environmental harm, offset their impact on the natural what?
to protect the natural, vital sense of tourists.
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diplomatic advocate green tourism and green
With the green campaign expense throughout the world, green tourism is also silently rising in numerous countries.
France: Let visitors to the remote countryside away from the city, was admitted to the penniless condition of the farmhouse, so namely parents with children visit the farm and watch cows and sheep, to watch milk, cheese and watch the making process of wines, visitors behind the visit, merely also enjoy the savor. to go for a walk in the forest, but also a variety of French favorite direction to travel and leisure, walking in the forest each year who partake in such up to several million people.
Italy: Choose vacation to the country and gain experience is differ from leisure. Italian rural tourism the chief home usually planned by the farm, in counting to enjoy the entertainment provided by rural scenery outside also embody horse riding, picnic and other outdoor activities; is also skillful to enjoy the rich banquet of savory local specialties. Many visitors linger above rural tourism.
Germany: In Germany 施普雷森林 scenic launch of the ; tourism, popular with guests salute. There are a vast dense forest, there are also hundreds of massive and small creeks and patches of swamp, lakes and rills were divided into large and small islands, do no construct bridges between the , boat visitors walk through the criss-cross the trench free, quiet lake, fresh atmosphere,beijing escort, chirping birds, beautiful ecology scenery of intoxicated passengers, visitors not bored.
Japan: Many travel agencies to cater to people's consideration taste of wild bird life, the introduction of the notable bird watching wild life habitat tourism activities, accompanied with a bird expert guidance to aid visitors enjoy not only in travel to the bird life, but also learned a lot almost the bird life perception.
In addition, some countries accompany large magnitude to green tourism activities, protection of the natural outlook, in the development of tourist attractions, to dodge heavy construction projects and other practices detrimental to the natural scenery, tourism, transport effectively by foot, reception facilities, small and do everything possible to travel on the natural landscape to minimize the impact.
(This treatise comes from:
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